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this is going to be a long chapter!! about maybe 1000+ words!! (words are usually up to 300-600)

troyes pov

i shivered as i walked through the streets of new york city.

i felt my phone vibrate multiple times in my pocket but i refused to answer.

i stopped at a starbucks and walked in.

there are few people in here, saying that it is like 10 at night. the starbucks here is open 24 hours.

i walked over to an empty seat for two and put my bag on the table. i opened it up and brought out my laptop.

i opened up the skype app, and looked to see who's online.

tyde, sage, nicole and jacob are all online.

wow, i really do have no friends.

i seen that my chat with jacob had nonstop texts blowing up.

troye please answer me
i'm sorry about the fight
i didn't mean anything i said
where are you???
are you okay??

leave me alone jacob

jacob: troye omg
where are you

me: nowhere
now leave me alone

jacob: listen to me i'm sorry
please come home

me: i will in the morning

troye sivan is now offline.

i sighed and exited the skype app, and went on tumblr.

i scrolled through tumblr for a while, but then i got interrupted by someone. they tapped my computer screen. i looked up to see a boy with chestnut brown hair and green eyes looking at me.

"hi! is this seat taken?" he asked, gesturing to the seat in front of me.


"no." i replied.

he smiled and sat his stuff down on the back of his chair. he sat down and brought out a book from his bookbag. i was very interested in what he was doing.

he soon noticed me watching, and he smiled.

"this is a photo album." he he tapped on the cover slightly.

"what's in it?" i asked.

"pictures, that i took." he said and looked down slightly, admiring the cover of the album.

"you're a photographer? aw that's cool!" i smiled.

he looked up and smiled at me, "wanna see?" he asked. i nodded my head and closed my laptop. he handed me the large book.

i looked at the cover, and smiled softly as i flipped it open. i looked through the photos, some were polaroids, some were digitally printed out.

"you took these?!" i asked.

he smiled and nodded. "these are amazing!" i admired as i flipped through more pages.

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