I completely forgot there was anyone else in to room. It was just me and Dan, it was all I ever wanted.

He took hold of my hand and we made our way to the lift, pressing the top button.

"Here we go!" Dan called as the lift doors shut.

"LIFT DANCE!" I shouted and we started moving around to the cheesy lift music that was playing.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side. Shit, I completely forgot.

One of the bruises from a particularly harsh kick by Carl was still pretty bad, and if I moved wrong it still really hurt.

I brought my hand to my side and winced, bending over slightly in pain.

"Sam are you alright?!" Dan asked, then remembered my cracked rib. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have made you dance and everything..." he started, but I shushed him.

"It's fine Dan, I forgot too. I think I'll just need to lie down for a minute when we get to the room."

Right on queue, the lift made a 'ding' noise and the doors slid open revealing an empty corridor with double doors at the end. Course, we were in the penthouse, there was only our room on this floor.

We walked hand in hand to the doors and Dan slid the card into the key card machine. The little light went green and Dan pushed the handle of the door, opening it with ease.

As soon as we got in the room my jaw dropped open and I forgot all about the pain in my side.

It was beautiful. There was a small step which lead to a huge seating area with two giant comfortable looking couches.

It wasn't the typical posh decor, it didn't exactly fit in with the style of the lobby. It was modern and sleek, with white walls, and abstract paintings were in no short supply.

There was a huge statement fireplace which already had a fire burning inside. In place of a television, a small projector hung from the ceiling pointing towards a plain white wall.

Across from the living room there was a sizeable kitchen and dining table. The shah pile carpet morphed into shining white tiles and lights hung from the high ceiling.

I ran round the rooms gawping at every little detail. Above the living room was a mezzanine level with a ladder-type staircase leading up to it.

I hurried over to the ladder and climbed it as fast as I could.

Directly in front of me was the biggest bed I'd ever seen, piled high with heaps of different coloured cushions.

The walls were red up here and there were lights which dimmed and changed colour.

I turned to look at Dan who had just got to the top of the ladder, and was standing smiling at me. I ran up to him and threw my arms round his shoulders.


He pulled away an lifted my chin with his finger, our faces millimetres away from each other.

"You're everything to me. And I really mean that, I really, really do." he whispered.


"And the suitcases are here. Way to ruin the moment hotel dude..." Dan muttered but laughed a bit, as we made our way back downstairs.

Once we'd retrieved our bags and (after a long awkward silence of just staring...) Dan realised he had to tip the guy, we slumped down onto the huge soft sofa, facing the fire.

"I love fires." Dan stated. "I like the way the flames seem to be dancing."

"I always thought it looked more like the smoke was dancing," I replied thoughtfully. "The smoke is more free than the fire. While the fire is tied down to earth the smoke can go wherever it wants, in whichever way it wants."

"I guess so. Now then, I say we order room service, hire out a bunch of movies, put our pyjamas on, collect all the blankets we can find, and use all the pillows we have to make a huge fortress. With food. Plan?" Oh Dan knew me so well.

"I need to vlog this!! I literally haven't made a video in so long." I admitted.

"Shit me neither... I'll make one when we go home. I'll just tweet a lot between now and then to make up for it."

I giggled at Dan's procrastination skills and got out Dan's phone (he didn't let me bring mine), putting it onto record.

I did a quick tour of the apartment and then chatted to the camera for a bit, telling it about how Dan suddenly whisked me away here with no warning, even packing a bag for me.

"Dan... what did you actually pack?" I asked cautiously, remembering that I hadn't actually looked in my bag yet.

"I don't know what girls pack!!" he said defensively and I went upstairs to grab my bag.

Dan had actually packed pretty well. He'd managed to remember make up and brought the right shampoo, and some of the clothes even matched.

He'd obviously freaked out when it came to underwear, and practically all the underwear I owned was stuffed into the bag.

"You do realise were only here two days, right Dan?" I asked, holding up the pile of underwear that he'd packed. he instantly blushed and smile a little bit, looking away quickly.

I laughed at his awkwardness and decided I had enough footage for a short video, which I would upload tonight as a) it didn't need much editing and b) I knew I would never upload it if I didn't upload tonight.

I grabbed Dan's laptop and plugged it in, uploading the videos I'd just recorded and began editing them. with the right music and a little effect here and there, it looked quite pretty.

"Italian, Chinese or Indian?" I heard Dan call from the kitchen.

"Hmmmm... Italian or Chinese you choose." I replied, he was probably ordering room service.

I added the last annotations and finishing bits to my video and uploaded it to YouTube.

"There." I breathed. "Now it'll take about 50 billion years to upload, but at least I know I've done it." I muttered to myself.

"What are we having, then?" I asked, walking up behind Dan and snaking my arms round his waist.

"Pizza. It should be here anytime now, I ordered it a while ago."

"Good, I'm fricken starving." I laughed.

"Can I watch your video then?" Dan asked.

"Yeah sure. It's not great, but it's something."

I went over to the couch and grabbed the laptop. The video was completely uploaded now and already had 1,456 views and heaps of comments.

We watched through the video together, until I realised something. Something I was so stupid not to think about in the first place.

"Shit." I whispered. "I haven't told them what happened."

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