Calm ~ part 1

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This is the first part of I don't know how many parts.

I have to split it up because it's going to be a really long chapter otherwise.



Dan's POV

*2 weeks later*




I turned to Phil who was sitting at the breakfast bar, eating cereal, as always.

"So, what did you and Annie get up to while me and Sam were away this weekend?"


Phil's POV

"Hey Phil, I'm taking Sam to stay in a fancy hotel for the weekend, a sort of 'glad you're home' thing. You'll be alright on your own, right?" Dan told me down the phone.

"Course I will, I have a cordless hammer drill, I'm a man."

"Yeah... I'll get Annie to babysit you."

"Thank you. Have fun at the hotel!"

"Don't burn the house down!"

The line went dead. A weekend to myself! This was going to be fun...

I picked up the phone and searched my contacts for Annie's number, and she picked up almost immediately.



"Dan told me I have to babysit you this weekend, why?"

"They're off to a hotel. We have both of our houses to ourselves!"

"HELLS TO THE YES!.... Sorry... anyway I'm coming to yours because I prefer your place."

"Fine by me. I think they're going today so come round whenever."


"And bring a bag this time I'm not letting you wear my pyjamas again."

"I thought I looked really hot in them. But I will bring my own clothes. NOW GO I have to pack a bag seeyoulaterbye!"

Again the line went dead.

Annie came round about an hour later armed with a bag, food and DVD's.

"So this is how it's going to go," Annie said, letting herself into the apartment. We were best friends, not quite as close as me and Dan, but close enough so that we let ourselves into each others apartments. We each ha both sets of keys, for emergencies and when we wanted food or couldn't be arsed to answer the door.

"We're filming a video for your channel, then were having a pyjama party with food and movies."

"Sounds like a plan!" I responded, I loved pyjama parties and I had my totoro onside that I'd been looking for an excuse to wear. "What's the video?" I asked, knowing full well that she'd have something planned.

"It's an 'Ask Phil and Annie, but with some dares and other stuff involved. Tweet now and then by the time we've set everything up we'll have loads of questions." She said, unpacking the food and eating some chocolate.

"Okayy..." I got my phone out and tweeted;

'PHILLIONS QUICK!! Tweet me and Annie with some questions/dares now. The more insanely brilliant the better!'

Right place right timeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat