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Hi there again!

Pretty much the same as always to say

Sorry for typos :/

Love you guys thanks so much for reading!

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Enjoy (,^_^,)

Byeeeeee <3

Sam's POV

I was younger. About 14 or 15. I was in a car, a small one going along a road, somewhere. It was so secluded, no city, no buildings, no... anything.

I looked at the driver next to me. He's 16. No, he's 17. I know him... but... I don't.

He was smiling at me. I don't like his smile. It makes me uncomfortable. scared. Why don't I scream? why don't I try and escape? why do I just return his smile? Why don't I care when he reaches over to hold my hand?

His eyes are vibrant green. An unforgettable colour. His hair was jet black, longer at the front. his jaw was harsh. Strong.

He was my boyfriend. We were running away together. Forever.

Why was I running away with this guy? He was so much older than me. What was I thinking?

I don't see the lights.

What Didn't I see the lights?

It was too late. The next series of events was inevitable.

The crash. Inevitable. Unchangeable.

I didn't exactly have the best nights sleep last night.I had this awful nightmare; it felt so real, every detail, was so... there.

It was so familiar as well,as if I'd been there before, or at least had that same dream before. I don't remember though.

I dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I turned the dial to 'cool', in an attempt to wake myself up more and try to forget the dream.

I took out the red hair dye that I'd planned to do last night, but didn't get round to. After I'd dyed my hair I washed the excess out and dried it. I straightened it then back-comed parts of it to give it more volume.

I put on my light blue skinny jeans, ripped at the knees, and my skull vest top. I accompanied the look with my little brown boots and a big knitted jumper and jacket. I did my make-up quite natural, no eyeliner but mascara and foundation. I put a dark red lipstick to accent my hair.

I looked at the clock, which read '11:02'. I grabbed a small bag, putting in a spare outfit, some make-up and a small wash bag. Just in case.

I grabbed my phone, keys and purse and headed out to my car. I put my bag in the boot and drove to dan's place.

Dan's POV

I woke up early today, '10:46'. which is pretty good for me. I grabbed a quick shower and straightened my hair, before putting on my grey joggers and my 'shut up woman and get on my horse' tee shirt.

I went into the living room where Phil was sat eating toast watching TV.

"Morning! you got in late last night. how was your day yesterday?" he chimed.

"Oh y'know. Asked Sam to me my girlfriend and she told me she loved me. Nothing important." I said sarcastically, waiting to see Phil's facial expression. he turned to me, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Really?! oh god Dan that's great!! I noticed that #DANANTHA was trending on twitter but I just guessed that you'd told your fans! Congratulations mate, I'm really happy for you." I don't know what I'd do without Phil. He's helped me through so much, I don't know where I'd be without him.

Right place right timeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang