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Me again!

Just really quick I'm writing another fic on my channel called 'being his Friend'.

It's another Dan/Phil/Adrian/PJ/Chris fic so if you like this you will (hopefully) like that one too.

Please read and vote and everything!

Don't worry I'm still writing this one, I'm doing DUEL STORY WRITING.



Sam's POV

I looked down the dark corridor. A long snore came from a room which I guessed was a living room. I screwed my nose up in disgust, he really was a repulsive person.

Looking round I saw a grubby door with a latch loosely attached.

I decided to take my chances.

Gripping my phone tightly in my pocket I became to creep towards the door.

6 feet...

4 feet...

2 feet...



I froze.

"One second..." I heard Andrew grumble from the room down the hall.

I had two chances:

1. Run to the door, try and get them to help me. The only downside was that it might be one of Andrews friends, I don't know what would happen to me if it was.

2. Run back to my room. stay there and try listening to whoever is at the door.

I picked the second choice and legged it back to my room. I pulled the door slightly shut but just open enough for me to eavesdrop.

KNOCK KNOCK "Hello? Is there anyone home?" A professional sounding voice came from outside.

"Yeah yeah i'm here just give me a second alright?!" Andrew shouted back.

I saw him stumble past my door rubbing his eyes and go to the front door, taking it off the latch and opening it slightly. I couldn't quite see who it was, so I strained my ears to hear what was being said.

"I'm from... missing persons.... search warrant.... Trace...." were the only words I could make out.

The police! They'd found me!

I heard Andrew start to say "Sorry there's no one here-" before I ran out, cutting him off mid sentence.

"I'm HERE!" I screamed at the man in high-visibility jacket and police hat stood at the door. "My name is Samantha Andrews. This man kidnapped me, please help me!" I shouted, trying to get past Andrew and out the door.

I turned to look up at Andrew. His eyes were filled with so much anger and his fists were clenched.

"You little SLUT!" he yelled and grabbed my neck, half dragging me and half pushing me the the other end of the corridor, into the living room.

He flung me into the wall and I crumpled to the floor, already feeling dizzy from the blow to my head.

I saw the police man run in and try to stop Andrew, but he was strong. Andrew punched him hard across his face and threw him to the floor.

I watched, petrified, as Andrew kicked and punched him. Every now and again the officer would let out a cry of pain as another rib was cracked, another muscle bruised, another cut made.

Once Andrew was finished with him, he just lay there, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth and from a cut just above his eye.

He looked at me, a mixture of terror and pain in his eyes.

I was unable to speak, or move. My head was pounding and I was in so much shock, I barely noticed as Andrew came over to me and knelt down in front of me.

"Your turn, babe." He snarled, and grabbed my neck, pulling me into a painful kiss. His tongue jabbed eagerly at my teeth, trying to prize it's way into my mouth, but when I denied, he pulled away and slapped me hard across the face.

I took my chances and tried to get up, tried to run, but he just pushed me back down with a swift punch to the stomach.

I felt tears prick at the backs of my eyes as more punches came my way.

As he beat me Andrew whispered things into my ear. "You were always mine."

"You'll never see him again."

"Sluts like you deserve this."

"You're never leaving here."

I felt my tears fall onto my cheeks one by one, as again and again I had the air take. From my lungs with a punch or a kick to the stomach.

I knew my body would be bruised all over as I tried to protect myself from harm, only to be reminded of how weak I was.

I looked towards the policeman, who had recovered enough to take out his communicator and was scrabbling around the buttons, probably calling for backup. I smiled inside, but it was soon kicked out of me.

After a few minutes, I was lying broken and bleeding on the floor.

"I'm not quite done with you yet, sweetheart." he growled into my ear.

Andrew got up and left the room, coming back seconds later with a pair of scissors.

I squirmed as he knelt beside me but winced in pain immediately. He gently stroked my hair, taking a handful of it and bringing it up to his nose, inhaling deeply.

"I always loved your hair. Now your all mine, it will be too." He chuckled to himself coldly.

Before I knew it, he had taken out the scissors and they were hovering over my long dark blonde hair.

"P-p-please!" I begged, barely able to breathe or speak. It just made him smile more and I heard the sickening crunch as the scissors made their mark.

Again and again the scissors came down upon my hair, my beautiful long hair.

Once it hung just above my waist, now, barely two inches long.

Each cut made me wail in pain. No physical pain, but the emotional loss of something so dear to me.

The crazed look in Andrews eyes stayed there until the very last cut.

He had enjoyed it.

Once he was satisfied, he dropped the scissors and walked out.

"I'll see you round, Sammy." he laughed, and disappeared.

I looked round at my hair, scattered on the floor.

At my damaged form, once pale now black, blue and red.

A price of hair flopped down over my eye. I let out one final scream of sadness and then let an unnatural sleep take over me.

Right place right timeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt