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It seems that the actors of the two of the new characters in the MCU, Claire Nicholson (portraying Blue Shadow/Yulia Maximoff) and Tom Holland (portraying Spiderman/Peter Parker) have been becoming more than friends on set of the upcoming movie Captain America: Civil War.

Since our last article on the two teens, we have confirmed that the two actors did indeed know each other before their latest project. They met when Tom was 14, meaning Claire was 12, just around the time that Tom was finishing up his run in the West End production of Billy Elliot. We're assuming their meeting had something to do with dance, as Claire is a ballet dancer and Tom was performing as one on stage.

The two have continued to appear on social media together. Tom even posted an adorable photo of the two of them having a movie night about two weeks ago. Since that post, they have appeared on co-star Elizabeth Olsen's Instagram showing the two young actors asleep under a blanket together.

As of this morning, Tom and Claire's activity on social media seems to almost be a confirmation that the two are together.

Tom's tweet came first:

all the emotions right now. happiest guy on earth. 💙

Then Claire's:

happiest girl on earth 💙

That, paired with Claire's Instagram post earlier today (a photo of her holding hands with Tom, and captioned with a single blue heart emoji), is pretty much proof that they are together.

Claire! Tom! Give us more details please!

Wh ship them so much, hope everything works out for these two young stars.

- The Pop Culture writers at E! News

Better Together • Tom HollandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin