Interview With Bemystar(AmandaScheel)

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here is an interview with Bemystar, who used to be amandascheel... hope you enjoy!



Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

A: Well, my name is Gracelynn. I'm seventeen now and I am still in high school. I love writing a lot, it calms the nerves and helps me escape whatever I hate in the world I live in now. I also love singing and music. I am in almost everything there is to be in for music at school including show choir, madrigals, honors choir, and solo & ensemble. I love the color blue - pretty much any shade and my favorite.


Q: How did you discover Wattpad?

A:  I used to be on fictionpress all of the time, but I saw this profile that said they had a wattpad account and curiousity got the best of me and here I am today! I originally joined last year - June, but I lost touch with the site, but now I'm back and loving it! :)


Q: What are some of the books you write?

A: I've written a story, Ditch Me In Hell - It is about a girl who's mom dies and she moves in with the father she didn't know about. Weird things start to happen and she ends up being a witch - a very powerful witch that a lot of people are after.

Right now I am writing three stories, but only one is on wattpad right now. It is called Caliphophy and it is about one girl who has caused a lot of trouble with the government, people she has known, and the whole country. It is in her point of view when she is telling her story on a tape, but the rest of the time it is in the point of view of an unknown listener.



Q: What inspired you to start writing?

A: I think I always wrote, but what inspired me to start writing stories online and on paper was the fact that when people read stories I wrote, they loved it. I love the feeling when someone sees you do something or reads something you wrote and they can't think anything bad about it.



Q: What are your favorite top three Wattpad books?

A: 1) Alone on Cloud Nine by xoStardust - absolutely amazing!

2) Freaks of Greenfield High by MareeAnderson - I actually talk to the author and she is so sweet!

3) Believe Me, I'm Lying by XxSkater2Girl16xX - It is amazing and won watty awards 2010 and I love all of her books, but this one is my favorite.


Q: What do you think of the What’s Hot list?

A: I like looking at the what's hot list, but it is random and it is cut throat. I feel like a lot of people are writing to get on the list, not because they love to write...


Q: Does music help your writing in any way?

A: Yes! I listen to a play list of metal, pop, rap, and alternative


Q: Have you inspired any of your friends to get Wattpad?

A: Not yet, but I'm close. I have a friend who is waning, but a lot of my friends don't like writing.


Q: Do you have anything you want to say to your fans?

A: I know a lot of people say that they can't write without their fans, but I don't believe that. What I do believe is that fans help keep you writing. When you're alone, you write one bad chapter and destroy the whole story. With the fans, they will help you fall in love with your own story and even more so if you already love it. Thanks guys, you're my anchor!

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