Kian's POV

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Am I dead? Am I alive? Why can I feel the blood drying on my skin? How long have I been here? Am I ever gonna be found? Will I be dead by the time that they reach me? What is going to happen to me? All of this is running through my mind as I am sitting here, motionless and paralyzed against the airbag on my steering wheel of my car. I can see smoke slightly rising and I can see the tree that I hit tethering on the edge of a long cliff. What the hell happened? I know that as I try to remember what happened, I send a silent prayer for someone to find me and for me to be found alive, not dead. It's not my time yet and I still need to get to Trevor. I have to get to Trevor.

I remember I left the house late in the night with the sole attention of finding Trevor and being able to finally be there for him. I remember that I wasn't thinking clearly and that I was going way above the intended speed limit. I remember I saw a flash of white and I remember that I went to swerve out of the way but because I was going too fast, I spun off the road and hit the tree. I remember feeling the airbags inflate and me falling face first on my steering wheel. I remember blacking out and then waking up feeling the blood dripping down my head. I knew that I was injured. I just didn't know how bad. All I know is that I can't move and that I feel like I am pinned and that there is a huge weight on my chest like something was pushing down on it. I know that as I fade into a pitiless darkness once again, that I am close to death and that I am losing all my strength. I just need someone to find me so I can find Trevor and I can be there for him. I just need to find him. I need a miracle and it is not until I hear and see flashing lights in the distance that I believe that my miracle has come. I'm close to finding Trevor. I remember this being my last thought before everything collapsed into darkness and I begin to fall.

Mistakes?- A Kevor Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now