Flashback: Trevor Moran's Continued

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Thank you in a really strange way. I think I needed to something like your letter to sustain me and to make me feel like a person who mattered again. I know that's a strange way to start a letter from someone you only just wrote to but honestly, if you knew what kind of hell I was in like you, you would understand. I probably should start off and say that I am Trevor Moran and currently as I write this, I am also experiencing hell. I suppose in a way, fate as weird as this might sound was propelling us together to experience hell together. Personally for me, I am in kind of like in a prison as well with the high windows and the white walls and the haunting images. For me, I am locked currently in the basement of my ex-best friends' house where I have been for the past 2 months. I suppose if you asked her she would tell her that me being locked in here was my fault and that if I just admitted something that was against what she believed in, I would be free. And for you to know, I am gay. I like boys and honestly, I don't want to change that because of her. Because of what her religion thinks about being gay. I want to just be me. And I know I shouldn't lay this on you but like you did in your letter, I think I need to. I think I need personally an escape to the outside world like you need a reason to keep going. If you haven't been killed and are still alive, write. I think we both need something to survive the hell of our different places. I will be here as long as you write.


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