Real Reality- Kian's POV

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Bright light is all I can see once I begin to focus and as my eyes begin to adjust. At this point, my mind is screaming to know where I am and to know if I am dead or alive but honestly I really wish I was dead which sounds as stupid as the thought is. To be honest, the last thing I remember was sending a letter to that kid, Trevor and then getting smashed until everything went black and I could feel the blood draining slowly from my body. In that moment, I knew I wanted to be dead because I honestly couldn't survive here anymore. I didn't want to be scared every moment I was awake and alert. I honestly wanted an escape and maybe if I am seeing this bright light, I have been given an escape. However, what snaps me back is a voice muttering my name and crying. A familiar voice. A voice that reminded me of home and happy memories. When I hear that voice, I know that I am safe and as my eyes finally adjust, I see my mother sitting on a hard, plastic hospital chair and I know that I have escaped and that I am finally free from the hell that I wanted to die in. I was safe.

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