Chapter 7

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"Where did you get this car?" Johnny asked

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"Where did you get this car?" Johnny asked

"From Buck's"

"Dally, don't" I said

"I got it" He said

Dallas had his hands off the wheel with his hands in the air. Scared that Dally was going to kill us, we were yelling at him and asking what was he doing. He swerved into the Dairy Queen drive thru almost hitting another car in the process.

"Jerk!" Said the guy we almost hit

"Are you trying to kill us?" I yelled

"I hope you guys are in the mood for barbecue, do you want anything Lucy?" Dallas asked

"Yeah, I'll take whatever you guys are having"

"Um four barbecue sandwiches and four cokes" Dallas ordered.

We pulled into the parking lot and started eating.

"You guys really are hungry" I said looking at Johnny and Ponyboy scarf down their food.

"You know that kid you killed, he got plenty of friends all over town. Soc against Grease. You know after the story went around about the killing of the guy, Lucy's friends turned on her and she almost got jumped a couple of times by some scumbag Socs" Dallas said "Look, I started carrying around a heater man"

"Dally, you kill people with heaters" Ponyboy said

"Don't worry, it ain't loaded"

"Hey mister," said a little girl, at that moment, Dallas put his gun away "you got ten cents"

Dallas put his sunglasses on quickly and Ponyboy and Johnny turned away from her.

"No I don't have any money man"

"Are you sure?" She asked

"Uh, can you please leave us alone?" Dallas said

"You got a dime?" She asked again

"Go away, get out of here!"  The little girl walked away.

"that was a close call" I said

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