Chapter 5

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I was working at the diner, cleaning up the tables when Gigi, Addison, and Sophie walk in with three other Soc guys

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I was working at the diner, cleaning up the tables when Gigi, Addison, and Sophie walk in with three other Soc guys. I tried to avoid them but my co worker Betty told me to go take their orders. As I was walking up, I could hear them whispering and saw them look at me.

"Gigi, girls...may I take your order?" I said through gritted teeth.

"What do you have on here that isn't gross and isn't high in fat?" Gigi asked with her smart mouth looking through the menu.

"Um, water!" I snapped back at her

The group went "OOOO"

Gigi rolled her eyes and said

"We'll all have cokes thanks" she said with a fake smile, handing me the menu.

"You're order will be right out" I said faking a smile. "Bitch" I said under my breath.

As I was filling up the cokes in glasses, the diner door dings and someone sits at the counter.

"I'll be right there" I said, placing the glasses on the tray

"Well hurry up, I'm starving here"

I froze. I knew that voice...that can't be-

"Dally? W-what are you doing here?"

"I was in this part of town and thought I could swing by and watch you at work" he said, taking off his leather jacket.

"But you rarely come here"

"Geesh, someone is a little cranky today"

I rolled my eyes

"Hold on, I have to bring the the wicked witch of the west and her munchkins their drinks"

I walk over to their table with the tray in my hands. As I get closer, Addison sticks her foot out and trips me. The drinks flew everywhere and I hit the floor hard. Gigi, the girls, and the guys they were with were pointing and laughing at me, calling me names.

"Awww, look at that, Greaser's pet is gonna cry" Gigi mocked

Dallas comes over and grabs one of the guys by the collar

"You have a fucking problem?! Huh?!"

"Dallas, stop" I said, getting up

"Hey! Don't touch him!" Sophie said

"Come near Lucy or touch Lucy ever again and you'll be sorry!" Dallas said to all of before pushing the guy.

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