Huntbastian Part 1

Start from the beginning

Sebastian grew curious and set aside his homework and glasses and took a peak to Hunter opening the package. His eyes grew wide seeing vials and syringes.

"You've got to be kidding me. No." Sebastian said. "You are not going to inject the Warblers with..."

Sebastian snatched one of the vials off the box. "Anabolic Steroids."

"Last I remember I was the Captain of this Show Choir." Hunter said standing up with crossed arms and a look of authority.

"This is illegal." Sebastian said shaking the vial in his hand. "Hunter, we have fourteen year old boys in the Warblers. The hell and I letting you drug them."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I could report you to the Dean." Sebastian said. "And I got the proof."

Sebastian headed out the door swiftly, but Hunter grabbed him before he could get out of the room. Sebastian struggled and thrashed as Hunter kept him from running. He pulled the lanky teen backwards and tossed him to his bed. He pinned Sebastian to the bed his arms above his head and he pried the vial off his hand.

Sebastian was terrified. He knew his friend had military training, and he knew he was strong. But being pinned down against his will scared him. But he glared at the burly teen who sat on his stomach.

He tried to get Hunter off him but he was a lot heavier than he was.

"You shouldn't have done that." Hunter said.

"Don't." Sebastian said. "You can't just drug them all. I am going to tell them."

"No, you wont." Hunter said confidently. "Unless you want all of Dalton's population to know your little secret, Sebastian Allen."

"How did you...?"

"I did my research." Hunter said he plucked the framed photograph of the Allen family from the bedside cabinet. "I wonder what the Dalton kids would say finding out that the Sebastian Smythe, was not only adopted, but was the kid of a murderer."

"He didn't kill my mom." Sebastian argued struggling more but Hunter had pinned both his arms under his foot.

"Or so you and your brother said, Bartholomew right?"

"Okay, so you tell them." Sebastian said his voice wavering. "You tell them my secret, but that doesn't change the fact that you want to drug fourteen teenagers."

"Oh, that is just to keep you away from the students." Hunter said. "I wonder what the school would do if they find this."

Hunter took out a cassette tape from his pocket, which caused Sebastian's eyes to widen.

"Where did you find that?"

"I have my ways."

"Okay, so what if they find that old tape. I already admitted to it last year. And I served my community service."

"What about your little brother." Hunter said. "I wonder how he is at his school. ECAS right? I wouldn't want something bad to happen to him."

"You wouldn't."

"An eye for an eye, Sebastian." Hunter said. "You tell on me, and your brother pays the price. So are you in."

Sebastian glared at him then looked away. "It doesn't seem like I have a choice."

"Good. Glad you see it my way." Hunter reached for the syringe from his bed.

Sebastian closed his eyes as he felt the syringe pierce through his arm and inject him with some drug.

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