Caitlin came into the room in her tablet. She spot Sebastian beside Barry.

"I'm sorry," she said "I didn't think... "

"it's fine." Sebastian insisted. "Is there something you need? "

"I just came to check on, Barry."


Caitlin looked at the troubled man. "I don't mean to pry, but aren't you supposed to be at work? "

Sebastian chuckled "I'm supposed to. But I had to come see Barry."

"I don't know your brother." Caitlin said "but I have one of my own. And I know that if I was in the same situation as you are. He wouldn't want me to stop everything in my life for something that happened to him."

Sebastian gave a small smile. "Is that your way of kicking me out?"

"Not exactly." Caitlin said "I mean is that I may not know your brother. But I am sure, when he wakes up, he wouldn't want you to stop everything going on in your life Just because he's been in an accident."

"That he wouldn't." Sebastian said softly that Caitlin didn't hear him. He stood from where he sat. "Thank you, Dr. Snow."

"You're welcome."


Sebastian returned to Central City just before the Mirakuru terrorism attack had happened. He was surprised to see Thea Queen after many years and how much the former young girl had grown.

He was in the office for about a week when he received a surprise visit.

"Hey Stranger." Sebastian heard a familiar voicr say. He looked up from his report on his table and saw Barry on his feet and alive. Sebastian cautiously approached the man.

"Barry? "

"The One and only."

Sebastian grabbed his brother in an embrace. He looked over Barry who seemed unfazed by the inspection. "You're awake! Why didn't... "

"I just woke up."

"Should you even be on your feet. Or left alone. I mean seriously Barry you've been in a coma for the past few months... "

"Bas, I'm fine." he said "I feel fine."

Sebastian sobbed in relief and grabbed his brother again.


Sebastian dropped by S.T.A.R labs. He wanted to thank the people that saved his brother. And he only managed to find time after a week or so of Barry's awakening. He came into the main office of the building.

The quirky Latino scientist was messing arounf with something in the middle of the office.

"Hi Cisco." Sebastian greeted.

"Barry!" He said "just in time. I managed to fix the mask of the suit is should be able to stop from choking you. Test it out."

"I'm not..." Sebastian saw a familiar red suit.

A gust of wind blew in and Barry called "Cisco! You said you... "

The two brothers were suddenly looking at each other. Barry had a deer in headlights look while Sebastian was starting to piece it all together.

"Seb...I can explain. I'm..."

"The Flash."

"How do you know that name?" Barry asked "I was just thinking of... "

"I saw the lightning, too. I've been calling it that since we were kids" Sebastian lied "The blur ran out of the house like a flash."

"I don't know what happened." Barry admitted "We think when that lightning struck me, I became fast. I think I have a way to find mom's killer."

"I don't doubt that." Sebastian said "And I know I can't stop you from what your planning to do. Just promise me one thing."

"Of course."

"Stay safe." Sebastian said seriously "I can't loose you, and if you need me."

"I'll call."

"Promise? "



Barry made the time jump back to the day of his mother's murder.

He walked down to the living room where he saw himself shake his head. He bit his lip as tears started to roll down his face. He saw his older self leave and the man in yellow lift the knife.

Barry closed the door and cried as he heard his mom gasp as the knife penetrated her heart.

Eobard Thawne left the Allen house and Barry went over to his mom's dying form.

"It's okay" he said to his mother

"My husband, my sons."

"They're going to be okay." Barry said in the most comforting way he can.

"Who are you? "

"I'm." Barry choked "I'm the Flash. "

"I don't understand." she whispered

Barry took a deep breath and took off his mask.

"You look just like my father." she gasped

"This won't make any sense." Barry said. "But it's me, mom. It's Barry."

"Barry? "

"Your Barry."

"My beautiful baby boy." Nora Allen cried holding Barry

"I get a second chance. To come back here. To tell you, I'm okay. Dad, Sebastian and I are all okay. And we love you, mom."

She nodded and cried. "Goodbye."

Barry cried over his mom's body.

"Get off her! "

Barry saw a younger Sebastian try to push him away. But when he saw his mother's body he collapsed to his knees.

"No. Mom! "

Barry grabbed his younger elder brother by the shoulders and held him as they both cried in grief.

Young Sebastian looked up at Barry.

"Who are you? " he murmured through the tears.

"I'm the Flash." Barry whispered "It's going to be alright, Sebby."

He was about to whisper something but he cried himself to sleep. Barry dried off the tears of his eyes and closed his mother's eyes. He carried his brother up to their old room and tucked him back under the covers.

Barry realized that he wasn't the only one who saw their mother got stabbed. His eleven year old brother had too.

After the death of their mom, Sebastian was more protective towards Barry. He was a lot more protective. He sacrificed everything to make sure that Barry lived the normal life even if it included years if solitude for him. Why he seemed to become detached at the mention of their mother.

Barry kissed his brother's forehead.

"I love you, Bas. I'm so sorry for everything."


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