"So are you going to tell me, what's going on?" Barry asked.

"It's complicated."

"Try me."

Sebastian sighed at Barry's determined look. "Rachel is from a rival glee club."

"Okay, but what's with the animosity, your rivals. But she was looking at you with so much hate."

"I may or may not have blackmailed her to try to forfeit when we were in competition." Sebastian murmured. "And hit and nearly blinded her best friend's boyfriend."

"Sebastian!" Barry scolded. Which caused Sebastian to wince. "Why would you do that."

"I may have taken the whole be a normal care free teenager to a different extent." Sebastian said "I apologized. And destroyed the pictures."

"Did you apologize to Rachel?"


Barry groaned and they finished the dessert. After Sebastian placed the dessert into the fridge, Barry took Sebastian's arms and dragged him to the family room.

"What are we...."

"You are going to explain to them everything you just told me and apologize to Rachel."


"No arguments."

Sebastian couldn't help pout as Barry dragged him. Barry brought him to the family room which caught everyone's attention and he all but threw Sebastian in front of Rachel.

Sebastian looked at Barry with pleading eyes while he stood firm. The adults couldn't help be amused at how Sebastian looked. He looked like a reprimanded child. And all it took was words from his younger brother.

"I'm sorry, Rachel." Sebastian said softly

"For?" Barry prompted.

Sebastian looked back at Barry. "Seriously?"

"For?" Barry repeated with a stern look which was rare on the younger twin. Sebastian groaned.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused last year." Sebastian said.


"And for the pictures." Sebastian added. "I honestly didn't mean it. I was being stupid and I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Rachel said. "You apologized last year, and destroyed the pictures...They are destroyed right?"

"Yes," Sebastian promised. "I swear, they are all gone."

"Good." Rachel said.

"So now that everything is hopefully cleared up," Mrs. Smythe said. "Did you clean up the kitchen."

"I think." Sebastian said with a cheeky grin then ran towards the kitchen with Barry at his tail.

"Sebastian Harold Allen Smythe, that kitchen better be spotless in ten minutes."

"Okay, mama!"

"I'm going to see if they need any help."

"No need, Rachel. Those two made the mess, I am sure they can clean it up." Mrs. Smythe said.

"It's okay, Aunt Jen." Rachel said. "I just have a few questions for Sebastian."

"If it's about Barry, I'm not sure if he'd tell you." Mr. Smythe chimed. "They've been telling people the same excuse for the past six years."

Rachel was still stubborn and left the room. Hiram looked at his cousin.

"She'll figure it out." Hiram said.

The Allen Twins (Glee and Flash FF)Where stories live. Discover now