"I-I'm the s-same age as y-you" I spoke pushing her away and landing next to Ai "You c-can't say that!"

"Tomorrow, Lobelia, four eighteen sharp" Benio said turning and strutting out the door with her two lackeys following behind her.

"Why four eighteen?" Ai wondered "Why not four fifteen? Or four twenty? Or four te-"

"W-well" I laughed interrupting him before he could carry on "Can you guys p-play chess?"

"Me, Takashi and Kyo-kun definitely can!" Honey piped up.

"I-If we're talking real life chess, we need t-to assign people to pieces" I added.

"Kyoya should definitely be the one playing" Ai said as everyone agreed "But what about the pawns and stuff?"

He turned to me.

"They're called pawns right?" He whispered as I snorted.

"Yes! What about the prawns?" Tamaki asked.

"W-we're screwed Kyoya" I shook my head "Isn't there a ch-chess club at this school? Y-you must be able to blackmail at least the vice president of th-the club"

"Actually their club leader's father just happens to be dabbling in the black market" Kyoya said opening his notebook "If he is caught, that would be at least sixty years in jail with no bail"

"H-how many people in the club?"

"Ten at the moment" Kyoya answered "I'll go talk to them now"

"I d-dibs King first round" I said to everyone.

"I want Queen!" Ai yelled waving his arm around "I want Queen!"


"What the h-hell are we doing with o-our lives?" I asked my brother as we stood infront of Lobelia.

He shrugged in response as I held his hand.

"Well no m-matter what happens, I will always be a student of Ouran!" I promised as my brother smiled at me "Well that is, u-until you graduate and I might go back to online courses"

"Ai!" Benio gushed as Ai came into view.

"Benibara!" Ai responded, mimicking her.

"The school would love to have you and the other two as soon as possible" I heard one of them say as I started crying inside

"So Hitachiins are the Knights, Honey and Mori are the rooks, Haruhi is King third round while Rin takes the first but will be the bishop until then?" Ai repeated confused "I will be king and Tamaki will be a pawn the whole time and the chess club will just fill out the empty spots..?"

"Yes! I will be a faithful prawn to my King and Queen!"

"Pawn" Someone coughed.


"We have won!" Benio yelled as the girls on their side cheered and Kyoya was literally ready to sacrifice someone off the board.

Clearly the president of the chess club sucked at chess.

"Whatever!" Hikaru shouted at them "It's not our fault the chess club president is a total flop"

"It was a lucky break" His brother finished as everyone began to light their torches.

"K-Kyoya" I called pulling his sleeve to get his attention "Can I-I talk to you over there?"

I pointed behind the bushes. He looked at me weirdly but followed and we both snuck off as the Lobelia girls bragged.

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