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Originally I was planning on taking a short shower, you know when you get in wash up then get out. But once I smelled the strong alcohol smell in my hair I ended up taking a longer shower.

"Savannah are you done?" Flynn yelled from the outside of the bathroom door.

"Just got out"

"Okay good. Carter has to head home so I'm going down with Jake."

"Kay. Where's everyone else?"

"Paul and Tom left and Jon took Noah into town for something to eat."

"Where's older brother?"

"Matt's downstairs. He wants to talk to you"

"Am I in trouble? Oh what the hell I'm not scared of him, if I am"

Flynn laughed. "Nah he just wants to talk."

"About?" I asked.

"You'll only find out when you go talk to him. I'm leaving. I'll be back later"

"See you" I said.


I took my sweet ole time getting ready. But not long enough. When I walked downstairs Matt was walking around the living room starting at each picture of Flynn and I. He stopped at the most resent one of us, surrounded by Parker and the gang.

"There's no picture of me. None of them." He said. "Why is that?" He turned to me.

"You left. All old pictures of you, mom and Emily are put away."


"In dad's closet."

"Show me."

"I can't. He has his closet locked and he keeps the key with him at all times"


"How should I know?"

"Sit I want to talk to you"

"This is my house, you can't tell me what to do"

He sighed. "Please."

"Fine" I made my way over to the couch and sat down with my arms crossed. He sat down on the coffee table in front of where I sat.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"I'm your older brother, of course I need a reason as to why you hate me."

"You left."

"I left?"

"Yes you left with her"

"With who? Mom?"

"Her. She is no mother to me or Flynn. Dad raised us."

"You were eleven. How much raising did he have to do?"

"Everything a mother should be there for"

"Like?" He pushed.

"First time I got my period. That horrible sex talk that Flynn ended up loving. Bra shopping. Eighth grade prom. Junior prom."

"You don't need a mother for things like that."

"Oh and what about all the birthday's with no phone calls, gifts or even a card. Dad had to make that up to us. Not to mention the two years Flynn and I spent walking by the front window or out in the yard. Two years we never went into town with dad because we were afraid you guys would come back and we wouldn't be home. The fights we'd get into in school because kids would say our mother didn't want us."

"You're right she didn't want you and Flynn. She didn't want any of us. She only wanted Emily. She just took me along so it didn't look that way. I gave her hell until the day I left for college. Flynn is my only brother and you're my only sister and you're also my baby sister."

"Emily is your baby sister."

"No, you are. Emily died when she was six."

"What how?"

"I don't know. She was sick for a long time. I came home from school one day early for lunch, it was back in one of the towns we lived in. Mom got an apartment next to the school so I would go home for lunch. I walked in the apartment and mom told me Emily was dead. I wish I could tell you more about that night, but I can't. That night I partied with my friends. I don't remember anything between leaving the apartment that night and waking up the next afternoon in a bathtub in a hotel room."

"And no one called to tell us she died?"

"Apparently so. Mom called dad though. I remember the phone conversation, I had been listening from another phone in the house."

"Why did she call him?"

"For funeral money. She couldn't pay for anything, not even a picture of Emily. And Dad did it. He sent every penny needed for the funeral. In turn Mom turned around and banned the three of you from attending the funeral."

"What a bitch"

"She's still your mother."

"Is she really? Would a real mother leave like that and never speak to them again?"

"Well no"

"Then she's not my mother. I like to think my mother is dead, since she hasn't been around for seven years."

"You don't want to see her again?"

"Nope. Is that why you're here? To make Flynn and I see her"

"Hell no. I think the two of you were better here anyway. You turned out better than I did. I came here to see you guys. Once I learned from a college friend that you still lived here I saved up my money and come all the way here. Mom doesn't know where I am"

"How long are you staying?"

"I'd like to see dad."

"He'll be home in a week"

"Then I'll be here for a week, and a few days."

"Okay. So where are you staying?"

"I got a room at the hotel in town."

"I'm not saying you can stay here, because that would have to be agreed to by both Flynn and I. We can talk"

"And what I sleep on the couch?"

"For a college graduate you sure are dumb. Your room is still up the stairs."

"Really? I didn't think it would be."

"You think dad would get rid of everything you left behind? He didn't everything is still there."

"Show me." I stood up and he followed me up the stairs. "Same room?"

"Yeah." he walked over to where his old room was and opened the door. I stood back in the hall watching him. He walked around looking at his old things.


Flynn and Jake came finally came back and Matt left for his hotel room.

"How was it?" Jake asked.


"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really"

"Okay." He leaned over on the couch kissing my forehead. "If you ever want to, I'm here"

"I just want to go to bed."

He laughed. "Flynn we're heading to bed"

"Okay." Flynn answered.

"Remember there is school tomorrow."

"Damn" Flynn and I cursed making Jake laugh again.

Wild Love (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now