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Carter, Tom, Paul and Josh showed up at three thirty and we brought their things up to our rooms, where they were going to be staying.

We then went around the house removing priceless things like pictures and things like that. Paul and Josh unplugged the television and carried it up the stairs and put it in our dads room. His room is the only one that has a lock on the door, so all the things we plan to keep safe goes in there.

We may love to party but we're not dumb enough to keep our valuables out in the open so everyone can break them. We have more brains then that.

"Lets go get ready before everyone starts showing up" Flynn said.

"Right" I was the last one to leave our dads room so I locked the door. I walked off to my room, while Flynn went to his. The others made their way downstairs.

* * * * * * * * * *

Once all of us were downstairs waiting for people to arrive, the door bell rang. Flynn jumped up to get it while Paul went to go get a couple drinks.

"So how are you and Paul doing?" Tom asked.

"Fine?" I questioned

"You know what I mean. You two have a kid together. Doesn't that make it hard to be friends?"

"Tom, Tom, Tom." I sighed. "We were drunk and it was a mistake. I never planed to have sex that night, and certainly not with Paul. The only thing good that came out of it was Amanda. I love my little girl and so does Paul. What we did was stupid but we're still friends"

"Yup and Amanda is in a good home, with parents that love and take care of her" Paul said sitting down next to me on the couch. I nodded my head in agreement. "The Reynolds are a nice couple. They don't even ask us to help them out with money"

"That's true, plus they let us see her" Don't get me wrong I would love to have my daughter living with me, to be able to care for her and see her everyday but I had to do what was best for her and giving her up to a wealthy family was the best decision.

"Remember tomorrow at one we have to go"

"I'll remember"

"Party!" Someone shouted.

* * * * * * * * * *

The party was in full swing. It was now six and Tom was off in a corner with some junior girl who was completely drunk. Flynn was breaking up fights that would go on between two fellow seniors. Carter was in a drinking contest with Josh, and Paul was cheering both of them on. Everyone seemed to be drunk, except for me and Flynn. Well I was feeling a pretty good buzz, but it wasn't the drunk buzz I get when I'm drunk.

"Savannah!" Paul called out over the music. I turned to face him. He was walking towards me. Both Carter and Josh looked like they were going to pass out any minute now. "Dance with me?" He asked. Ay what the heck.

"Alright" We danced. Someone walking by us decided to spill their drink all over me. i jumped back.

"Oops" The guy said. He looked like he was either a sophomore or a freshman, I'm not sure.

"I'll be back" I told Paul, who started to yell at the guy, as I ran up the stairs to change.

* * * * * * * * * *

Five hours and three shirts later the party was still going strong. Paul spilled something on me. Another guy did the same and then a girl did. The girl was a freshman, getting a drink for one of her friends and I accidentally walked into her, so it was really my fault. What's the point in running up the stairs again for another shirt, when someone is just going to spill something on me again.

"Hey guys!" I called out. Most of the guys there that weren't with girls looked at me. "Since you keep spilling your drinks on me, and ruining my shirts, I think we need to ban certain people here from drinking" A few people booed. Who would blame them. I slipped off my shirt making the ones that booed and then some whistle.

"Your making it very hard not to take you up stairs and have my way with you" Paul whispered in my ear. I knew he was out of his mind drunk.

"Oh go drink some more" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want to" He whined. "I want you"

"And I don't want you"

"I bet by the end of the party you do" He walked away. I laughed, cause that wasn't going to happen. I looked around and saw Flynn was still sober, so i smirked.

I skipped my way into the kitchen, where all the drinks were, and grabbed a big bottle of Flynn's favorite thing to drink, and a bottle of whipped cream from the refrigerator.

I skipped back out into the living room, where the party was mainly at, and looked around for Flynn. I found him standing in the middle of the floor. I gripped both things in my hand tightly and ran at him, knocking him down on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked. I moved so that both my knees were on each side of him. "And where the hell is your shirt?"

"They kept spilling their drinks on me. Now shut up"

"Why?" I opened the bottle and poured it on him. He laughed. The whipped cream came next. I took the bottle away and squeezed the whipped cream into his mouth. I was well aware of all the people watching us. "You're going get it now" He slurred and rolled so he was over me. He threw the whipped cream, since it was empty and took the bottle and poured it into my mouth.

When I finally got away from him I made my way into the bathroom to clean the whipped cream off me and the stickiness from the alcohol.

When I left the bathroom the door bell rang. I walked to the door, ignoring and trying not to step on some passed out teenagers. The person at the door kept ringing the door bell and it was getting annoying.

"What are you five?" I asked opening the door.

"No. Where's your shirt?" Mr. Wolff asked.

"What's the point in wearing one when all the guys in there want it off"

"So you took it off for them?"

"No they kept spilling their drinks on me. What do you want anyway?"

"Well I was going to complain about the noise but since you're the one that answered, and you're like that" He pointed to my bra, but kept his eyes on my face. "I'll let it slide."

"Whatever. I'm going back to the party."

"One more thing." He came closer. I could feel his breath on my neck. "Next time you have a party, I want to be invited." He whispered into my ear. Alright what the hell is up with this dude?

"Whatever." I shut the door as he turned to walk away.

That was a bit odd.

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