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The next day Paul and I jumped in his car and drove to Mr. Norton, aka Peter's house.

* * * * * * * * * *

I walked right into the house, not bothering to knock. We were greeted by Lacey, who slid into the room on her socks. "Hi!" She smiled.

"Hi Lacey. Where's your dad?" I asked her.

"In the kitchen." She smiled. "Hi Paul."

"Hey Lac" I could see Lacey's cheeks turn pink.

"Lacey, you remember that thing you showed me last time I came over?" I asked her and she nodded her head. "How about you show Paul. I'm sure he'd love to see it"

"I'm sure I would" He smiled at her. She wasted no time pulling him down the hall and up the stairs. I made my way to the kitchen. Peter was facing the stove, so he back was to me. I skipped over to him and hugged him from behind.

"Mmm that smells good"

"Doesn't it." He laughed. "I made it"

"And I'll eat it."

"You eat like a guy"

"And you cook like a girl. Anything else?"

"Nope" He turned around, making me drop my arms. "Seriously Sav. Shoes!"

"Sorry" I smiled.

He sighed "Did Paul take his off at least?"

"Yes he did"

"Good you should learn from him"

"Why? I like not playing by the rules, you should know" He was about to say something when Lacey come into the room.

"Aidan guess what" She said.

"What?" I asked

"I put tattoo on Paul and he did me too"

"Awesome" I smiled.

"Honey why don't you go get your boyfriend and bring him into the dining room. It's time to eat" Peter told her. Her face turned pink again before she took off running. "No running!"

"Don't tease the poor girl" I told him as I smacked him.

"I just wish my little girl didn't have a huge crush on Paul."

"Whats wrong with Paul? It's not like he's going to hurt her. He loves children and he adores Lacey."

"You would know, wouldn't you" He smirked. "How's Amanda doing?"

"We're going to see her after we leave here"

"Hope you have fun. Maybe sometime you can talk them into letting you take her for the day and come over here so Lacey can have someone to play with"

"Are you sure you just don't want to spend time with me?" I asked jokingly. Before he could say anything I grabbed the bowl of ravioli and made my way into the dining room. He followed.

"Yay my favorite!" Lacey clapped her hands. I laughed.

"Didn't you smell it?"

"No I'm just getting over a cold I got from Trever and Martin"

"I see."

"Less talking more eating" Peter said from his seat to the right of me. Everyone stayed quiet until we were all finished eating. "Savannah help me in the kitchen." Peter said grabbing a few dishes.

"Okay" I said grabbing the rest and following him into the kitchen. "Help you with what? You have a dish washer" I laughed. He took both the dishes in my hands and the ones in his and put them into the dish washer and turned to face me after turning it on.

"I actually need to talk to you" His face and voice was completely serious.


He turned and grabbed a dish cloth from the sink then walked out of the kitchen. "Hey Paul. Clean her face for me will you" I heard him yell, then he came back in and stood right in front of me. "I think the new teacher has a thing for you" He sighed.

"What?" I laughed.

"You heard me."

"Yeah but I don't understand why."

"You know why" He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" I rolled mine. "Why does it matter?"

"If something happened between you two I'd have to report it. It's illegal."

"Really now?" I questioned.

"Okay I wouldn't report it but I would beat him into a bloody pulp if he ever hurt you"

"Don't worry. I don't like him."

"Are you sure?"


"Sav we have to get going!" Paul yelled from the other room.

"See you" I said to Peter as I walked away.

"See you another time Lacey" Paul told her.

"Okay" She smiled.

"Bye Lulu. Be good for your dad."

"Don't count on it" Peter said stepping into the room. I laughed

"Please for me?" I asked her.

"I'll try. No promises thought" Paul laughed.

"Bye Mr. N"

"Bye Paul. Bye Savannah"

"Lets go see Amanda" I said pulling Paul out of the house.

Paul and I hopped into his car and he started to drive to the Reynolds house.

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