Chapter 7: Something's On My Mind

Start from the beginning

"That's okay Frankie, I can wait til I see Mikey,"

"Alright, Georgia. Well, I'll see you then,"

There was the sound of kissing near Gerard's door and then voices leaving. Goddamnit. He was right. Frank does have a significant other, but a very lucky one at that. Gerard frowned, knowing that Frank wouldn't wanna be with some miserable sack of crippled shit like Gerard. He deserved better than that.

"Hey Gee, you up yet?" Frank asked, cracking Gerard's door open a bit and peeking inside.

"Yes...," he sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Frank asked, walking inside. He grabbed a chair and sat beside Gerard at his bed.

Fuck it. Gerard needs to ask. He needs to know. It shouldn't hurt to ask, should it?

" you have...a girlfriend?"

"What?" Frank laughed a bit. "Good lord, Gee. You know I've been gay since I was twelve. I came out to you first. Why would you ask that?"

"Oh...I'm sorry, I must've forgot all about that," Gerard blushed, now feeling like an idiot for asking. He just remembered that day when his best friend came out to him, but it was lodged far back deep into his memory. How could he be so stupid? "I'm sorry, but if you're still gay...then who was that...lady you were with?"

"Georgia? Georgia is the therapist. Both Mikey and I have...well I had, appointments with her. I wanted you to see her too,"

"Frank...we've been over this," Gerard groaned, already annoyed. Frank and Mikey are just not gonna drop it, are they? "I'm not seeing anyone,"

"Alright, Gee. Have it your way," Frank got up to leave. "I'm going to set you up for your bath,"

"I mean it, Frank!" Gerard raised his voice. "If I see any therapist or whatever in the house, I'm not gonna be fucking happy!"

"I said you don't have to fucking talk to her already! Jesus Christ, Gee!" Frank slammed the door and left. Mikey poked his head up from some t.v show he was watching, hearing every word of the conflict that was taking place in Gerard's bedroom. Something went wrong, clearly. He can hear it in their disgruntled voices.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pausing his show.

"Your brother's just being an ass, as usual," Frank went and sat on the sofa next to Mikey with a huff. "Anyway, I had my session with Georgia, and it went really well. She says she is looking forward to talking to you on Friday,"

"Me too. We really need to address Gerard's stubbornness to her," Mikey frowned. "I'm sick of seeing him so miserable! I just want him to be happy, you know?"

"We can't force it on him. That was one of the things that we talked about," Frank patted Mikey's thigh. "You'll understand better when you talk to her. Now I have to go give grumpy pants his bath,"

"Can I help?" Mikey asked.

"Sure, you want to gather the soap and shampoo while I get the water?"

"Sure thing," Mikey got up off his seat and helped Frank gather the things needed for Gerard's bed bath.

_ _ _

"Well, I'm heading to bed, guys. I'm beat. If you need me though, let me know," Frank got up, yawning and stretching. He waved to the Way brothers and left the living room.

"What about you, Gee? You tired yet?" Mikey asked, stifling a yawn.

"Not really...," Gerard said reluctantly, suddenly feeling on edge. He still needed to say sorry for his poor behavior.

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