Chapter 21

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Ninas P.O.V
- "I'm going to target, I need to get some food! Paul, if I come back to the house being destroyed, I'm getting a baby sitter for you, not the boys!" I yelled through the house.

"Ok! Bye Neens!" Paul yelled back.

"Bye, love you boys!"

"Love you too mommy!" They both yelled.

I smiled and slipped out the door.

I arrived at target and grabbed a cart.

I grabbed microwaveable meals, cereal, a little bit Of pop, oranges, apples, and bananas so far.

I walked down the cheese aisle, grabbing cheese sticks and shredded Parmesan cheese.

I kept walking, reaching for my phone. It wasn't there.

I turned around, scanning the floor. It was a about 3 yards behind me.

I smiled, and shook my head. How stupid of me.

I walked, starring right at it.

I bent down, and grabbed it.

I turned around, checking if it was cracked, only to bump into a bold chest.

"Oh! Im so sor-" I cut myself off.

"Ian!" I almost yelled.

"Nina." He gave a sly smile.

"Umm... how are you?" I stuttered for a second.

"Ok. I'm gonna be fully honest here. I am horrible Nina. You are the one person I love and I can't handle not being with you." He just let out all of his feelings, and here I was, just shocked.

"Look, Ian. I love you. I always will love you and theres no denying that, but Ian..." I waited to think.

"You need to move on, please? I will always, always love you. You were my first love and will be my last, because I will probably still love you in the end, just not in the same way." I whispered the last part.

He nodded, and turned away. He
quickly turned around, connecting our lips.

I didn't push away, because I knew he would be broken for a while.

He broke off, and quickly turned around.

"Love you too, Nina bear." He sighed and left.

I had a tear sliding down my right cheek, but I quickly wiped it away.

"I will always love you Ian." I whispered to myself.

I am super sorry about this chapter being short. I have ideas! I think the next chapter is the last one, but I will do a sequel! Was this good? Did I surprise you? Anyway, have a good

Nian Isn't Gone.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora