Chapter 10 - Angel Blood

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Chapter 10 - Angel Blood

"Aaahhh!" I yelled, extending my fangs when I came to. 

"You want to wake up or you want me to continue hitting you?" Michael snapped. 

"You do and I'll bite your neck off, Dick! I'm not a punching bag!" I exclaimed. 

He stomped across the kitchen. 

"Rayea!" Blick scolded me. "He's only trying to help. We're running out of time!" 

"Let me in on the plan then, guys," I said, reaching to rub my jaw. "Great, I'm tied up again? What the fuuu...heck?" I said for Blick's benefit. 

"You're not making this very easy on us," Michael said. 

"Easy on you?!" My voice broke in a high screech. The dream I'd just had of Blick hitting me shook me more than the plows Michael was administering to me. 

Impatiently, Michael slammed a few wooden drawers looking for something. "Where are the knives?" 

"Top left by the stove," Blick directed. 

"Chasing you around the living room isn't exactly fun. You meet J in less than four hours. So yes, you are back in the chair. And yes, you can bat those pretty eyes at me all you want, if you think it'll help, but you're gonna drink angel blood pronto!" 

The voice inside my head hissed, "Yesss!" 

"You ready?" Michael asked Blick. 

Blick nodded an affirmative, shifted into his hellhound form, and took a position behind me. 

Finally having a moment of clarity and understanding that Michael wanted me to drink from him, I balked at the invitation. I ignored the hunger lust building again and started formulating a plan of my own. Retracting my fangs, I glared up at his seven foot stature. Why were all these angels so tall? I thought. 

"I don't want her harmed. This may not work. We shouldn't push her. We could stall a few more days," Blick said to Michael. 

"This has to work. You saw the reports! We don't have a few more days. You know that!" Michael replied. 

"I thought I was meeting G?" I asked. 

"You're meeting G later. J is the pre-meeting," Michael said. 

Since Blick was towering over me, I glanced up to see his black furry chin. Did you just speak as a hellhound? I sent the thought to him. 

He looked down at me with his gleaming puppy dog eyes I had long missed and said aloud, "Yes, Rayea. And you don't have to do this." 

"Listen, both of you," Michael began. 

"Can we talk about this?" I interrupted and set my sights on Michael. 

He returned my gaze for several minutes, and then started laughing. "The hypnotizing stuff doesn't work on us, Vampire." 

"So you can Jedi mind trick me, but I can't do the same to you?" 

"Something like that," he retaliated. 

"You know, for an angel, you really are an asshole," I responded. 

He doubled over with laughter. 

Step back, Blick! I sent the thought to him as I summoned my pyrokinetic powers again. This time, flames ignited around me and engulfed me and the chair. As I vaporized and materialized behind Michael next to the stove, I smelled singed fur lingering in the air. Hopefully I didn't scorch Blick too much. 

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