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My herd and I are all used to calling this home, we are all settled in and have a great area for running and it is not as dangerous as the other place because there is no rocks and ditches. The water is really clean and we have baths in there and the foals have fun swimming in it and racing each other around, I have to keep warning them to not go to fast because they can fall over and hurt themselves like what Rain did, so now Rain has to sit down in the shade and rest for a couple of days. There are no dangerous animals around here and there are a few fish and small animals in the river but they do not disturb us. One of the little foals is really fast like me, my group are very happy our group, we all think that our group is awesome and no body in our group is selfish or talks rudely, we are all nice and love letting new people join our group. This is definitely our home and that will never change for as long as we live. WE ARE WILD HORSES AND LIVE UP TO OUR NAME, WE WILL FOREVER BE WILD AND FREE. As wild horse we live in the wild and we be wild. My name is wild and I am wild and will forever be for as long as I live, nobody will ever change that, it was my dream to be wild and that dream came true, like many of my other dreams like to be a successful leader and to have a growing group and for every one in the group to be happy.


It has been a while out here in the bush since we moved and all the horses love it here, no horse has been injured since Rain got injured. The river is getting really cold since it is nearly winter and we are starting to get colder during the night. At night we sleep with the foals in the middle, mares, then older horses who can stand the cold for now. My family has grown and now it has 10 horses and the group is made up of 59 horses, it may seam big but these are the horses that have came to us, in need of a family or herd, we even saved a mare and foal from freezing to death on a freezing night.

Authors notes- i am sorry that this chapter is a bit boring but I had to get a chapter in between the last chapter and the next because something exciting is going to happen, and I hope you all like the book so far, it is my first actual book I have ever written.

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