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I decided to ask my group if they would prefer to move, to get away from all the humans and go somewhere safer, they all agreed and so we are just getting ready so we can leave before the sun rises and the humans wake up.
Everyone is ready so of we go, I am in the lead and we are following the river to see if it can lead us some where safer.
We have been travelling for over 2 hours and are going to have a rest. After the rest we head of again and not to much longer we see these beautiful mountain ranges with a huge lake, my group a and I have a little rest.

When I wake up it is night time and everyone is still asleep so I go for a little walk up one of the mountains and when I reach the top I am very happy so I rear up in joy, I know that this is going to be where my group lives forever and we will be very happy and will easily let anybody else join our group.

It has now been three weeks since we first moved and we are all settled in and we have let three other horses join our group and we are even expecting a couple of foals. We are all having a lot of fun and love where we live, there are no humans and we can live a peaceful life, we have the greediest grass every and it is delicious, I am still the fastest runner of all the group, and our new horses names are Rain, Fern and Sun. They are very nice and they make our group a lot better, one of them has even been through what I have and she was injured worse so she is a little slower then we are so we just stick to her pace, she is very happy of us doing that. Our group of horses is the best group there is and will ever be, well I think that because we all care about each other and love being a group and we all love the lake and enjoy going for little walks around and sometimes up the mountains.

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