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The noise in the dark belonged to the voice of a little girl who seemed to be talking to me in a calming voice I instantly knew that she was my friend, she said don't worry I will get you out of here, don't worry I will let you escape, just let be your friend. Then she said that her name was Eliza, she then feed me an apple and said that she will come back tomorrow night. And with that off she went and I went back to sleep.
In the morning the men tried to ride me again but I kept bucking them off, they kept on whipping me and ropes dug into my sides with every move but luckily one really mean man hurt his wrist so they all gave up and I spent the rest of my day alone. Not long after I had gone to sleep Eliza came out with an apple for me and she saw the cuts from the whips and ropes and put ointment on them which by my surprise actually worked and then she opened the gate and told me to run free and to get to my family and be extra careful in the future. I neighed her my thanks and then not knowing where I was stopped, she realised this and then lead me by my mane towards home, since it was a long way away she got tired and then I neighed to her saying she could ride on me and she knew what I said and hopped on my back and I carefully went the way she steered me, making sure she did not fall off was difficult but she had a tight grip on my mane so she did not fall off once.
Soon we arrived at the edge of the bush, from here I knew where to go and Eliza knew I did so she jumped off and told me to run and I did I ran like the wind, I ran until I reached my group, where we all reunited and had a wonderful sleep.

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