Chapter 06

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Chapter Six:

"To be honest, I don't really understand what you're asking me." Cyro sighed letting his blue eyes scan over the papers again before looking up at Vance. He looked slightly different than he had before with his black hair pushed back revealing a rather irritated face. In truth Cyro hadn't spent much time with Vance at all but it seemed like he was always irritated, well except in bed.

"It's a contract." Vance huffed pulling a small box from his shirt pocket, one Cyro quickly recognized as an electronic cigarette pack. "Basically, I really just want a sort of a nanny but due to some complications, I need a spouse. You seem like the type of person I could stomach for ten years or so, so I figured I'd ask."

"This something you ask every guy you sleep with?" Cyro muttered setting the papers down on the table in front of him. They sat at an outside table at a small restaurant with some ridiculous name Cyro had never heard of before. He'd been surprised, to say the least, when he'd received a text from Vance that morning. He'd spent all of his morning class pondering whether he should even reply to it, now he was still wondering if he should have.

It was odd that just yesterday he'd finally told his friends about losing his virginity and now Vance decided to contact him. He almost had a bad feeling about it, almost but not quite, it was more of a strange feeling. Cyro had ended up texting Jack about it and he'd been the one to convince him to meet with Vance, stating that at the very least Cyro might have some fun.

A cloud of raspberry scented smoke refocused his attention on Vance, who seemed to be just as off in his own thoughts as Cyro had been. His eyes were obviously tracking a dark haired waitress as she moved from table to table as he tapped the end of his e-cigarette on the table. It was a gesture that made Cyro curious if Vance had always been a smoker and just switched over to e-cigarettes recently or if maybe it was just a side effect of him being lost in thought.

"I've got a ten year old, a little girl named Maxine, right now her mother has sole custody but she doesn't really want her. I can't get custody of her because of, well, reasons and so my lawyer found a loophole sort to say." Vance shifted his gaze back to Cyro for a moment as he paused to inhale from his e-cigarette, tilting his head back slightly he exhaled the raspberry smoke in an upward direction. "Basically if someone were to adopt her, I could get joint custody of her later."

"I see, but that doesn't make sense if she's ten now, you said you could stand to be around me for ten years, if it takes ten years to get custody of her, it doesn't even make sense, right?"

"It'd take two years to get joint custody, but if I have to marry someone then I'd rather stay with them until she's on her own, divorce isn't something I want her to deal with, she already has a pretty fucked up situation." Vance confessed his eyes going back to the waitress as she made her way over to them. Cyro tried to keep from staring at the waitress as they placed their orders but something was obviously not quite normal about her, eventually she left and Vance continued. "Besides it's not like you won't get something out of it, I did a little research on you found out you're a college student living with his mother and grandma, right?"

"Yeah, so what?" Cyro asked slightly creeped out by the thought of being looked into.

"It's in the contract, but basically I'll pay for your college. We can work out the details of exactly what you want as far as like an allowance of just spending money as well if that matters to you." He replied before inhaling from his e-cigarette once more, exhaling it in the same direction once more. Cyro couldn't think of what to say, it was an impossible offer one that anyone would say would be stupid to pass up. Veterinary school wasn't cheap and he was only taking prerequisites and mandatory classes now because of the financial aid he was awarded.

"That's no small offer, I'm trying to become a veterinarian-"

"With specialties in big animal, but you'd be happy just working at a small neighborhood clinic, yeah, I know, I had you looked into." Vance cut him off smirking slightly at what must have been the evident shock on Cyro's face. "Look, you can drop all your classes and pursue professional kite flying for all I care. You want the deal or not?"

"Jeez, are you always this pleasant?" Cyro grimaced, his only reply a shrug, he wondered if he could do it, taking this deal was odd. Marrying someone he just met seemed like a crazy topic, marriage in itself seemed to be a ridiculous topic. It seemed like something other people did, something older people did, married with kids wasn't where he thought he'd be at twenty two. It seemed years down the line but no matter how he looked at it there was no way this was a bad idea.

He thought on it some more, his mind roaming back to the debate his friends had had only recently. Looking at the man across the table from him he couldn't help but wonder if he could be with this person for ten years, the thought of being with someone for so long was strange but the idea having sex with just that one person Cyro couldn't grasp it. It wasn't that he wanted to sleep around it was more of the fact that he had just lost his virginity. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to have sex again, he wasn't sure if he wanted to have sex with another person, he wasn't even sure if he enjoyed sex the first time.

"Look, I work all the time, even when I'm not at work, I'm working. So if you're worried about my attitude problem, don't, furthermore I don't care what you do with your spare time, if you have a boyfriend-"

"I don't have a boyfriend!" Cyro blushed knowing where Vance was going with the idea, he didn't like how Vance seemed to read what he'd been thinking right off his face. "Even if I did have one, why would I give you my virginity and I'm not the type to get into a committed relationship and then go off having sex with others, I think."

"I don't care, if you want to be monogamous to me or anyone else, just take the money and be nice to my kid that's all I'm asking." Vance sighed pinching the bridge of his nose waving his other hand in a dismissive matter towards that papers, a sign that he was probably done with the conversation. Cyro opened his mouth not sure what he wanted to say but needing to say something, probably to clarify what he meant when he said 'I think' but Vance waved him off as their waitress was finally coming back with their orders. "Just think on it, you can give me an answer after we eat."

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