Author's Note

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Big thanks to everyone who read my story. I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Despite being updated really fast, this book took me many months to write. Constant doubt would cause me to stop writing it for a few months, before I would pick it up again. I would be writing when I would just stop and look at what I had wrote. I would read a bit of my work and imagine no one reading it. I imagined no one really liking it. The only thing that kept me going was just the idea of proving my family wrong. They never thought I would honestly write a whole book. They never thought I could do it and would constantly get annoyed when I talked about my writing, which was all the time.

I want to thank anyone who commented and voted on my story because those comments and votes made me feel like my story might actually be good.

I also want to thank my band teacher. Even though he'll never read this, he was the one who taught me how to play the baritone which gave me the inspiration to write this book.

I would also like to thank all of my friends from band (you guys know who you are). Without these great people I wouldn't love music as much as I do and without my large love for music I wouldn't have been able to finish this book.

Also a special thanks to my friend Morgan (mark2amy ) for listening me talk about this book for an hour straight. Not many people can listen to me talk for that long without getting annoyed.

I also want to shout out Abby_C_ACE for being the first person to comment. Thanks for the support, it has really helped.

Again I would like to thank everyone who read this and encourage you all keep writing your own stories. I never thought I could write a novel that was over 300 pages, but here it is. The satisfaction this has brought me is overwhelmingly amazing, even if no one reads my book.

I mean at the time I finished publishing this book it had less than two hundred reads. So I want any of you who are struggling to complete your stories and to those who find themselves discouraged because not many people are reading their story, just keep going. Push through your own doubt and the discouragement brought by others because in the end just knowing you did it is all that matters.


(PS. If you're looking for a new book to read after finishing this one "Patient 00:00" by TheGeekestGirl is amazing and I would highly recommend it.)

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