Chapter #17 ~ Creak

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Creak stood in a cozy, little room tucked into the side of a giant jungle tree. The room couldn't have been more than a six foot box with a bed completely covering one side. There was a small chest along the wall opposite of the bed and a single chair opposite of the door which was covered by a thick quilted blanket. There wasn't much room to move and the ceiling was only three feet about Creak's head. But it was nice even if it made her a bit claustrophobic.

Bane was laying on the bed, so Creak crossed the room to sit in the chair. Unlike the frosty air outside, the room was warm as if a small fire was warming it.

Bane looked so peaceful as he pretended to sleep. With his sharp, green eyes closed his face seemed softer.

"Do you want to explain?" She asked him. "Or are you just going to let me figure things out for myself?"

Bane didn't open his eyes to look at her. "What do you want to know?"

"Hum?" Creak pondered sarcastically. "Why don't we start with what was that thing and why was it trying to kill me?"

Bane sat up and looked at her. His long, silver hair was a mess and his eyes were the softest she had even seen them. He looked good when he was tired and the realization made Creak blush.

He looked right through her; his eyes on her, but not focusing on her. "You already know what it was. A 'Silent Siren'."

Creak shook her head. "I just made that name up because I didn't know what to call it. That doesn't mean I know what it was or where it came from."

He focused on her, but his eyes weren't angry like they had been the last time she had seen him. He looked sad and worn thin.

'He really does need some rest.' The idea surprised Creak. She had never thought of Bane as a normal creature that need the same things as her.

"Yeah." Gorgos said in such a sensitive tone Creak almost choked on air. "I hope he's okay."

'Really?' Creak couldn't believe what she was hearing. 'Do you care about him? I thought you didn't like any one.'

"Eww gross!" Gorgos spat in her head. "You're right to think I don't care about anyone. I hate you and Bane. And that stupid Vern most of all!"

Creak laughed at the Gorgos she was used to. The world would really never be normal if Gorgos started to care and love people. Creak shook at the thought. It was an idea too weird to comprehend.

"I'd say you know more about it than most." Bane looked at her as if she hadn't just been talking to a voice in her head. As if she wasn't the craziest person he knew.

At first Creak was confused. 'What were we talking about?' She thought.

"The beast!" Gorgos said with so much rage Creak cringed. "Start paying attention you idiot!"

Creak flinched and her head began to pound. "Why would you say that?"

Creak really had no idea the beast was even a thing until it had attacked Stone Cold.

"Well you are traveling with an elf aren't you? Curly hair, overly friendly face?"

Creak cocked her head. "How do you know about Vern?"

Bane smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "How am I talking to you while you sleep?"

He had a good point. "Okay." Creak muttered. "I get it. You don't want to tell me."

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