"I'll half to tell J'zargo that these storage scrolls actually work." Hardvak said actually impressed at the mage's latest invention. Hardvak quickly slipped on a modest set of steel plated armor on, because when were fluctuating anomalies ever a good thing? And exited the tent and resumed his trek, this time northward. Soon enough, his thoughts began to drift yet again only this time to a thing he usually didn't think about. The future.

Did he really want to keep doing this? For a huge part of his life, he had lived the life he had always wanted. A life of adventure, exploration, violence, excitement, politics, warfare, in short all the elements of a life that would make a great story. But such a way of life had its costs. Whenever he came home to any of his houses, he immediately noticed how quiet things were. Nobody there to criticize him for being late, nobody to shout at him for getting blood on the floor, nobody to ask how his day was and annoy him with a hundreds of questions of the outside world. Pretty much all the things he had seen families go through out in his travels through Skyrim and beyond. Yep, everything he was glad he didn't have to go through, was now something he wished he had. He laughed at how sappy it sounded but then again he had always been a little sappy. How else do you get the nickname " the Heroic"? 

Still though, sappy or not, he admitted to himself for the first time that an adventurer death might not be what he wanted. Maybe he would be content dying in a bed somewhere, if he ever did make it back to a bed of his own. Here, Hardvak found himself at a crossroads. The Emperor had given him this mission because he was worried about the Thalmor creating a weapon to be used on the Empire. But if he had to guess, what Seric was talking about was a portal. And a unique one at that. The uniqueness stemming from the fact that what the researcher was describing was almost like a Gate of Oblivion. Now Hardvak wasn't alive when Oblvioin Crisis went down but he had always a mild curiosity about the subject so when he read up about them for a mission, he ended up reading about whole armies of Daedra soldiers could charge through at any moment. So in conclusion, if this was indeed a Gate to Oblivion, and it was activated, and whole armies and can move through it, odds are he and all of Tamriel were going to be facing another invasion.

Now he could've brought this to the Emperor's attention before he left but he didn't. He could've organized his allies across Skyrim and have them come with to quell the potential threat but he didn't. He just set out on his own for the coldest land on earth without a word and for the life of him he couldn't figure out why. His working theory was that a part of him wanted to go out like a hero would. Fighting an army of monsters for Tamriel. An exciting end to an exciting story. He continued to  ponder on the question until he he began to feel the wind acting up again as well.

"LOK VAH KOOR" Hardvak shouted not eager to walk into another blizzard. As his powerful echo spread out through the air, the blizzard began to dissipate rapidly until it disappeared from existence completely. With the air around him clear, his journey continued. When the sun began to set on his on the horizon, he finally caught sight of the anomaly.

It was a massive structure rising high above the flat sheets of snow and ice and styled in a manner that was strikingly similar to a Gate of Oblivion. There was just one problem, where the two spires of an Oblivion Gate were supposed to be black and have an almost alive look to them where instead metallic and had an almost golden color to them and where a red portal was supposed to be, instead a solid blue one existed. It took a full three seconds for Hardvak to sigh in realization.

"Damn Dwemer." He grumbled continuing towards the object. Soon another tent came into view, and just outside it stood the man he was supposed to contact.

"I was beginning to wonder if anyone else was on this damn continent." Hardvak called out to the man. He wore a standard hooded blue cloak he had seen countless other mages wear but when he turned around and spoke back to him, he revealed something no other mage ever had. The face of someone who was dead.

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