I'm Dreaming of A Sparkly Christmas

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It's Christmas.

That was the first thought in my head as I sat straight up in my bed. I love Christmas more then any other holiday. And better yet, this was my first Christmas in California. My first Christmas with Jordan, too. I lept out of bed, ready to get prepared for this special day. I immediately ran to the window, expecting to see at least a few snowflakes. To my dismay, I was greeted to a warm, sunny Californian day. Oh well! At least the sun is shining. I ran to the bathroom to brush my bed head hair, kicking some boxes out of the way and wincing at the loud crash that came from within. Damn, I really need to get cleaning in here, I thought to myself. After taming the lion that is my hair, I quickly changed into an overly large sweater and a green skirt with red leggings. As I made the way to my kitchen, I checked my phone.


hey ya cutie! merry christmas! party at my house at 3 pm. wanna come over at 12?


Merry Christmas sweetie! I don't really know how these time differences work quite yet, but I'm sending you a present in the mail. Keep a look out for it honey!

Ah, I love my mom. I looked over at my clock, which displayed a digital "10:00". Great, I have 2 hours till Jordan's party. Just enough time to eat, play a few video games, and... Frick. I need to get Jordan a gift.

"Frick, frick, all of the fricks!" I yelled at my empty apartment. I grabbed an apple out of the fridge, grabbed my bag and keys, and ran out the door. What do you get the perfect guy, who seems to have it all?

-Some Time Later-

I scanned the shelves at Game-Stop, constantly whispering "he has that, he has that, dammit, why does he have all of this?!" I finally just gave up and got it him a $30 gift card to the place. As I was paying, the cashier handed me a "Game Informer" magazine. I flipped through the pages, and decided to get it as well for Jordan. 
On the drive home, I blasted Fall Out Boy, and sang at the top of my lungs. Shortly after I arrived home, I got a text from Jordan.


ur gonna love ur present. u better have gotten me something awesome.

Damn you Jordan. You're making me all worried about your present now. I decided to throw in an "Approaching Nirvana" poster I happened to just have lying around. I stuffed all of his gifts into a medium sized brown bag, and scribbled "Merry Christmas, Jordy. -Vic" I snickered as I wrote "Jordy", I know he hates it when I call him that. I glanced over at the clock. 11:45. 15 minutes. I considered heading up to Jordan's apartment, but decided to stay home a little bit longer and dance around my room to some bad music.



get ur butt up here. i need help setting up the place.

I grabbed Jordan's friends, and went up the steps to the next floor. I knocked on his door, and heard a loud crash and a muffled "its open". I pushed open the door, expecting the worse. And my eyes met quite a scene. Everything looked normal at first, but a quick scan of the main revealed a downed Christmas tree and and arm sticking out from underneath.

"Vic? Is that you? Can I get hand?" Jordan's voice came out from under the tree. I started giggling, which eventually led into me bursting out into laughter. "You suck," Jordan complained.

"You too," I said between laughs. "Just.. just gimme a sec." It took me almost 5 minutes to gain back my composure. When I finally lifted the tree so Jordan could climb out, his face was full of annoyance.

"I hate you, you know," he said.

"I love you too," I giggled, pulling him into a hug and quickly kissing his cheek. "So... where's my present?"

"I don't think so," Jordan replied teasingly. "You get it after everyone leaves."

"You suck."

"I know I do."

"You majorly suck."

"I am aware."

"You are the mayor of Suckville."

"Ooh, harsh. Hit me right there." Jordan pointed to his heart, mimicking a hurt face. I ignored him and looked around the room.

"Alright," I said with determination.

"Alright?" Jordan asked.

"Let's make this place acceptable for people."



3 freaking hours later, Jordan and I collapsed on the couch and admired our work. We'd opened the windows, propped back up the tree, decorated it, set up drinks, and cleaned up. Both of us let out a sigh, then started laughing.

"I love you, you know," Jordan laughed.

"Pish posh. You only love me for my cleaning and interior design skills," I teased.

"Well that's certainly part of it," he challenged. I playfully hit him on the arm, then leaned in to kiss him.

Knock, knock.

"Ah, perfect timing," Jordan groaned as I sat straight up.

"Come on, get up, you big baby," I teased as I stood up and pulled Jordan to the door.

"Hey guys!" He exclaimed to Nick and Mark (NFEN and AllShamNoWow) as he pulled open the door. "Glad you guys could make it!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Nick said. "Especially because we get to finally meet Vic."

"Oh, I'm nothing special," I said, but Jordan protested with a shake of his head.

"You are everything special, Vicky," he teased.

"Oh shut up, there's people here," I exclaimed as I motioned Mark and Nick in.

"You've redecorated," Mark commented. "Well, that's no matter. LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"

"Yeah!" the rest of us said in unison, as a knock on the door signified more people.

7 PM, After the Party (A/N: Sorry, don't feel like writing out the party. I think it'd be boring)

"Hey Vic.." Jordan said hesitantly. We were sitting together on his couch, just enjoying each others company.

"Yeah?" I asked curiously.

"About my present.." he started

"Oh! Wait! I need to give you yours!" I got up and ran over to where I put his gift. I brought it over to him, and presented it to him royally, earning me a chuckle. "Well go on, open it!"

"Fine, fine, calm down," he said as he took the bag from my hands. He read the bag, and I giggled when his face scrunched up at "Jordy". I held my breath as he took out the poster and unrolled. "Wow, this is pretty sweet! I'm so gonna hang it in my bedroom!" I smiled as he took out the other two gifts. "Thanks Vic! But.. just one thing.." 

"What?" I asked, thinking I messed up horribly.

"Your present is nothing compared to mine," Jordan said with a sneer.

"Sure it is," I said sarcastically. "What is this "awesome gift" of yours then? Huh?"

"Well, you see, this apartment feels a little small to me. I've recently bought a condo, and I've already started moving in-"

"Oh.." I cut him off. "So you're going to move far away from me?" A feeling of dread was building up in my stomach.

"No, no, of course not. That's the present part. Vic, would you like to officially live with me in our own condo?"




But here it is. The long awaited Christmas chapter.

*hold breath in fear of readers reactions*

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