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~~ Vic's POV ~~

I clutched onto Jordan, holding him in my arms. "Stay," I whispered, not paying any mind to the people surrounding us. Eventually, he pulled away. I whimpered slightly, and Jordan noticed. He took my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Wha-what happened to me..?" I asked.

"You passed out from hypothermia," Dr. Surpese cut in. "I understand that Jordan here had taken you to the beach at dark. You swam, correct?" I nodded. "Well, the cold must have gotten to you. Victoria, I've read in your records that you have a weak immune system. Correct?" I nodded yet again. No big deal. Everyone in my family has a weak immune system. "Now, because of that, I decided to check if you had had a flu shot recently. And you haven't. So, I'm going to give you one." I tensed up almost immediately. I hate needles. I shot a worried glance at Jordan, who was still gripping my hand, and he reached over and hugged me once again. I have no idea how he managed all these hugs, with me in a hospital bed in all. When he started to pull away, I gripped him tightly.

"Jordan.. I'm afraid of needles. I need you to stay here with me," I whispered worriedly in his ear. He pulled away, much to my sadness, and took my hand again.

"I'm not going to leave your side," Jordan promised me. Just then, Dr. Surprese pulled out the needle. It was huge. I held onto Jordan's hand so tightly, I'm pretty sure I broke his hand. He didn't seem to mind though. The doctor started to clean the area where the needle would be placed. I started to shiver with fear. Ok, I don't just hate needles. I'm deathly afraid of them. "It's ok Vic, it doesn't hurt. It's just a little pinch and then it's gone," Jordan comforted me. "Once this is done, you and me can go back to my place, ok?" I nodded, and half smiled at him. He's right, It's just a little pinch and then it's gone.

"All done!" Dr. Suprese announced. "Victoria, you and Jordan are free to go. You two kids have fun," she added with a wink, causing both Jordan and I to glance at each other and burst out laughing. Dr. Surprese looked at both of us, a little confused, before handing me my clothes. I ran into the bathroom, changing from the hospital gown into my jeans and t-shirt. I pulled on my converse, walking out of the bathroom. There, I bumped into a man.

"Vic!" Jordan said with a laugh. He gently grabbed my shoulder and pushed me away. "We really need to stop this. This is an issue," he chuckled.

"I guess are bodies just need to be together," I said flirtatiously.

"No Vic."

"Hey, I thought that was pretty good!"

"No." Jordan grabbed my hand, enter-twining our fingers together. He lead me out of the hospital, pulling me toward his car. I remember him telling me we were going to his flat, so I let him lead me along. Once we got to his car, he paused. I looked at Jordan quizzically, and he looked back at me, his face emotionless. Suddenly, I felt my body pressed against the car, and Jordan's arms wrapped around waist. I was frozen for a second but I quickly put my arms around his neck. "Vic..." he breathed into my neck. I tightened my grip on Jordan, I didn't want to let him go. "Vic..." he whispered again. "I-I really like you... And with you being in the hospital has helped me realize that.. And I... I was so worried about you.. And I just want to make sure nothing else happens to you ever again..."

"Jordan..." I didn't know what to say, so I just pulled him closer to me. I whimpered when he pulled away from the hug. I pouted, and he chuckled at me. 

"Come on," Jordan chuckled. "Let's go to my house, I feel too exposed here, ya know?" I nodded, and went to the passenger side. I climbed in, and curled into a ball to preserve heat, for my clothes were still a little damp and I was suffering from lack of Jordan heat. Jordan hopped in the car, and leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I felt my face go red, and Jordan smirked at me. He started the car, and the radio came blasting on. I looked at Jordan, and we both grinned. We both started singing "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons at the top of our lungs. Everything was already going back to normal. Well, not exactly "normal," but it's my new normal. 

When we pulled into the complex parking lot, it was a little after 4 am. Both of us were completely exhausted. I was stumbling, and Jordan was yawning over and over again. After I almost fell over going up the first stair, Jordan looked at me and the lifted me up onto his back. "You like piggy-back rides, right?" he asked with what little enthusiasm he could muster.

"Mmmm," I sighed into his back, slowly falling asleep. Jordan shook me on his back. 

"Hey, don't fall asleep just yet," he said. I forced myself to stay awake as Jordan ran up the front steps, to the elevator. As we waited for the elevator, I started to drift off. "Wake up wake up wake up!" Jordan said, bouncing up and down and adjusting his grip on me, anything to keep me awake.

"Ok, ok," I muttered as he stepped into the elevator. We went up to Jordan's floor, and he ran out the door.

"Are you still awake?" he asked loudly.

"Yeah, yeah I am," I said quietly. "Can I sleep yet..?" I muttered. 

"Almost.." he said gently. "Hey, you can sleep at my house if you stay awake a little longer, ok?" I nodded as Jordan carried me to his flat, my arms slung lazily over his shoulders. He unlocked the door, and took me into the kitchen, where he sat me down on the counter. "Stay here." Jordan disappeared down the hall, and I heard a very creaky door open and close. I lay down on the counter, sticking my legs in the air. I tilted my head side to side, stretching myself out. I lowered my legs when I heard the door open once again. "Here," Jordan said as he threw a large CaptainSparklez shirt at my head.

"Ow..." I mumbled, to tired to really care.

"Hey, you're sleeping here, right?" I nodded. "Then put that on unless you wanna sleep in your wet clothes." Jordan disappeared down the hallway, leaving me to change. In my tired state, I obeyed him. I changed in the bathroom, pulling on the large shirt. Heh, it smells like him.. My tired mind had started talking. Prepare for Vic high off sleep deprivation. I stumbled out of the bathroom, glancing at the digital clock. 5 am...

"Jordannnn..." I whined down the hallway. "I wanna sleep..." Jordan appeared at the end of the hallway, shirtless. Shirtless. I started blushing profusely as he made his way down the hallway towards me, wrapping his arms around me once he reached me. I looked up at him, he was taller then me by at least a few inches.  "Ca-can I sleep now?" I stuttered, taking in his defined muscles. 

"Of course, milady," he said courtly. I giggled at Jordan's silly antics as he led me to the room at the end of the hallway, which I had decided was his room. The door creaked upon opening, and Jordan jumped onto the bed. "Come 'ere," he said, motioning to the space beside him. I climbed in next to him, pulling the sheets over my body. Jordan turned on his side to face me, and gently kissed my forehead.

"Jordan..?" I murmured.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Are we.. together?"

"I believe we are, if that's ok with you."

"How long.. how long are we going to be together.. Jordan..?" I asked, reaching up to tangle my hand in his messy hair. I was slowly falling asleep when he replied.

"We'll be together forever, if things go my way." That was the last thing I heard before I felt Jordan's arms wrap around me, and I fell asleep.




teh feels

no sexual stuff yet xD


*dun dun dunnnnn*

sorry for the lack of writing... I got busy :L

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