Safe and Sound

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Beep. Beep.

What? Where am I?

Beep. Beep.


Beep. Beep.

I tried to open my eyes, but barely even managed to flicker my eyelids.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I started to feel tubes coming in and out of my arms. Hospital. Why am I in a hospital? I started to panic.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Suddenly, everything came back to me. Jordan's house, Samantha, going out for pizza, the beach, Jordan kissing me, then nothing. Nothing but blackness. I had felt like I was falling. Wait. Jordan kissed me! I managed to crack a smile. Why am I here though? Why am I so weak? I just wanna sleep...

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep.

And why am I hooked up to a heartbeat monitor?
I heard someone come into the room, moving around. I tried to make a noise, to move, anything to get some answers. "N-nnngh," is all I managed.

"Oh. Oh dear, oh dear!" I heard a worried voice exclaim. "Honey, you're awake. That's good. You sit tight, I'll be right back!" And with that, I heard the sound of a door opening and closing. I was alone. Did she say sit tight? Of course I would "sit tight." I can't move, what other choice do I have? Suddenly, I heard the door open, and many pairs of footsteps rush in. I heard them worriedly whispering, though I couldn't make out any words. Then, someone came over and took my hand.

"Hello, Victoria. I'm going to be your doctor for now, k?" A woman said kindly. "My name is Dr. Seprese. I'm going to give you some exercises to help you move, then I'll tell you what happened, ok?" I nodded, despite my need to figure out what the hell happened to me. "First, you're going to try and squeeze my hand," Dr. Serprese said kindly. I weakly squeezed her hand, and then fluttered my eyes open. Brightness flooded my vision, and I had to squeeze my eyes closed. "Good job!" Dr. Surprese exclaimed. I opened my eyes agan, and moved my head around. "Can you get up?" the doctor asked.

"Ye-yeah." I said with a smile. I gripped the side of the hospital bed, and pulled myself up. I took one shaky step before collapsing onto the ground.

Jordan's POV: (bet you didnt expect that!)

I looked anxiously around the waiting room, cracking my knuckles. It was a bad habit I've had since I was little, especially when I'm nervous. My mind kept replaying the scene of Vic passing out.


I pulled away, smiling down at Vic. She smiled back up at me, shivering slightly. She closed her eyes, and her head dropped back. I felt the smile fall off my face as I gently shook her. Nothing happened.

"Vic? Vic, wake up. Victoria, please," I pleaded, before carrying her to my car. I gently placed her in the back seat, so it looked like she was sleeping. I checked Vic's pulse. Thank god, her heart was still beating. I started the car, and the radio started to play. I was too distracted to turn it off, I just sped off in the direction of the nearest hospital.

All I want to do is write a song

One I haven't ever sung before

I don't want to sing the same old thing

It wouldn't mean anything to me

I looked worriedly back at Vic. "Don't worry Victoria, I won't let anything happen to you," I promised.

All I want to do is write a song

But everything I say just comes out wrong

I guess I'll just throw my thoughts away

Maybe pick them up another day 

I was approaching the hopital when I suddenly heard police sirens. "Goddammit.." I cursed as I hit the wheel with my hand.

I just lost control

I just wanted you to know

When I'm on my own

I feel invisible

"Sir, do you realize that you were-" His words were cut off when he realized that I had an unconcious girl in the back seat. "On your way to the hospital, son?" I nodded, and he let me go on.

And I just lost control

I just needed you to know

When in front of you

I feel invincible

I pulled into the hospital parking lot, stopping in front of the doors. I hopped out of my car, then picked Vic up and carried her into the hospital.

I want to write a song that makes you smile

One that keeps you around for a while

I wish for small things like losing this feeling

I've seen this coming, I've seen you leaving

The attendant at the desk took one look at me carrying Vic, and quickly called for a stretcher.

I just lost control

I just wanted you to know

When I'm on my own

I feel invisible

And I just lost control

I just needed you to know

When in front of you

I feel invincible

The stretcher was sent away, and I was told to wait in the waiting room.

~~End of Flashback~~

"Um, sir?" A male nurse asked me. My head shot up in attention. "She's awake, sir."  I let out a long sigh. Vic is ok. The nurse started to lead me to her room, and I followed quickly. He ushered me inside a hospital room, where I rushed to the bed and threw my arms around Vic.

"Be careful now," the doctor said. "She's just fallen down, after trying to walk." I loosened my grip around her.

"No..." she protested quietly. "Don't let me go.."

"It's ok Vic," I said reassuringly. "I've got you know, and you're safe."


Weew long chapter.

Wow. This was an amazing chapter, at least in my opinion. 

I actually teared up a little writing it :')

The song here is Little Bit of Truth by You Me at Six. Link is on the side 

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