My Sparkly Captain

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Seven and a half minutes. 

That's about the time it took for Jordan to show up in his Mercedes. Tom had practically talked my ear of in those 450 seconds. When Jordan finally parked his car, I ran up to his car and practically pulled the drivers door of the handle. I pulled Jordan into a bone wrenching hug, thanking the man upstairs.

"Nice to see you too, babes," Jordan said. "I can't breathe though."

"Sorry!" I exclaimed. "I'm just... so happy you came to my rescue." I gestured dramatically towards Tom, who of course was wearing his telltale smirk and making his way over to us.

"So this is the "boyfriend" you've been on about, Mystery Girl," Tom said with a sneer towards Jordan. I watched as they both looked each other up and down as Jordan slid his arm around my shoulder protectively.

"Almighty then.." I said awkwardly. I looked around desperately for something to divert the boys attention. My eyes light up when I saw the Ferris wheel peeking from the back of the carnival. "Ooh!" I squealed. "Let's go on the Ferris wheel Jordan!" I removed Jordan's arm from my shoulder and intertwined our fingers. "C'mon!" I said as I pulled him through the crowd. Tom followed us, kept at a distance by Jordan's evil stares. "Calm down Jordan," I whispered to him. "I don't like jerks like him."

"I get that," he replied. "I just.. don't like the way he's looking at you, that's it."

"Don't worry. I can fend for myself ya' know," I joked. Jordan gave a slight chuckle as we stopped at the back of the line. Jordan glanced over his shoulder to give Tom a stare, but quickly turned back around.

"I lost him," he said.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"I lost him. Tom. I, Jordan Maron, have lost Tom. ..Oops."

"Wow Jordan. Good job," I said with a giggle. "It's probably for the best anyways. Now we don't need to deal with him anymore."

"True," Jordan said with an adorable smile. He glanced back again. "Shit.."

"He's back?" I guessed

"Yep, and he's brought a friend," Jordan sighed. I turned to look back as well. Tom had returned, and he had found some girl to bring along. As I watched, the girl grabbed Tom into some kind of liplock. No, it was more than that. More like they were sucking each others faces off. As they went on with their little show of affection, Tom turned his head to look at me and I swear to god some how that boy managed to sneer. I returned that sneer a long with a complimentary flick of the middle finger. I turned back around before I could see his reaction, only to realize that me and Jordan had reached the front of the line.

"Yay!" I exclaimed as I climbed into the car thing with Jordan. I looked at him as we sat down only to see a flick of fear in his eyes. "Oh no... Don't tell me.."

"Yeah... sorry.." Jordan said apologetically. I can't believe it. Jordan, CaptainSparklez, the person who's YouTube was based off of Superman, was freakin' afraid of heights. I almost laughed out loud at this, but stopped myself so I wouldn't offend him.

"It's ok," I smiled. I leaned against Jordan, squeezing his hand. "Nothing will go wrong, I swear. And anyways, I'm here with you, aren't I?" Jordan nodded as the ride gave a groan and started to move. I felt his body tense up as we stopped at about a quarter till the top. Tom and his "friend" got on together, managing to break away from each other long enough for Tom to wink at the female attendant for the wheel. 'Jerk...' I thought. The ride started once again, and the fear on Jordan's face completely evident. The wheel went a full circle before stopping again. I looked back at Tom and his friend, then motioned for Jordan to look too. "Don't look down though, babe," I said cautiously. Tom and the girl were on top of one another, going at it. Sure, they were fully clothed, but besides that, wow. This is a public place. Me and Jordan looked at each other with looks of disgust as the ride started again.

"That can't be safe," Jordan laughed as he straightened in his seat.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," I said whilst fake gagging. Jordan laughed, then immediately stopped as he realized the ride had stopped at the very top.

"So am I..." he said, and he really did look it.

"Jordan, baby, calm down. You're gonna be fine," I said reassuringly. "Once this is over, you and me can go home, and do whatever. Hey Jordan, Halloween is in a week, ya' know? Let's dress up together! Won't that be fun?" Jordan nodded slowly and stiffly. I sighed, then probably did the worst thing I could've done in this situation. I kissed him. I kissed the boy who could've possibly thrown up on me, but hey, I was out of options. I felt Jordan soften up as he kissed me back and put a hand on my shoulder. We both fell back as the Ferris wheel jolted back into motion, then looked at each other. "Better?" I asked, noting how un-tense Jordan looked.

"Yeah... Much better," he said with a smile. The ride coasted to a stop at the bottom, and me and Jordan climbed out hand in hand. He led the way to his car, and we both climbed in. 

"Now.." I said as Jordan revved the engine, a sly smile on my face.

"What...?" Jordan said, almost in fear.

"Now we go back to your flat and figure our what the sexiest Halloween costume for you would be."


Oh yes. This is happening. A bit late, but whatever the details are small.

Sorry again for the lack of writing xD

I feel so bad

Thank you to JustComprehend for the cover! It's so coooool

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