Another Member Of 1D Flirts with You and He Relizes His Feelings for You

Start from the beginning

Michael: You sat at the table with all the boys, Michael of your left and Niall on your right. You were talking to Niall about touring and Ireland, a place you always wanted to go. “Ireland is great, you’d love it. I’d take you to all my favourite places, show you all the places tourists don’t see. We’d give you a real proper welcome too.” He said grinning at you. You smiled back at him, hoping one day you would get there. Michael seemed unusually quiet tonight, and you didn’t know why. Every time you tried to spark up a conversation with him he would shrug it off or give you one word answers, and it seemed to be getting worse as the night progressed. Niall on the other hand, didn’t stop talking to you. He was always trying to get your attention, either by asking your opinion on something or telling a joke. You would answer, but you wanted to include Michael in on the conversation. “What do you think you’ll do when you get home?” Niall asked you yet again. “I’ll probably go back to work,” you said smiling. “No, I meant what are you doing after this?” He raised and eyebrow, a flirty smile playing on his lips. “Oh!” You said blushing profusely at his question and you’re idiotic answer. You saw Michael turn towards you in the corner of your eye, staring at you hard. “I’m not sure actually, why do you ask?” You replied slowly. “Just wondering, I’m free tonight, maybe we could go see the town at night… just hang out.” He said his cheeks slightly pink. You felt a little uncomfortable with Michael staring at you, and Nialls request. “Um, I’ll see later” You couldn’t think of a nicer way to let him off. “Excuse me,” You said smiling and standing up, walking away from the table and to the washroom. You could feel Niall and Michaels eyes on you weaved between tables and people trying to find the washroom. You finally pushed open the wooden door and saw that it was empty. You walked to the sink, your heels clacking on the ground as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Niall was a really nice guy, he was funny, devilishly handsome, and just the type you would normally go for. A guy you would go for if Michael wasn’t in the picture. In earlier grades, you had ‘dated’ but of course, as a child, dating meant maybe holding hands and a peck on the cheek. You had ended it in year eight before high school but the feelings still lingered. He of course, dated other girls and flirted like mad with anything that walked by, while he kept you as his closest friend, telling you everything. He didn’t like you back, he always kept you at a comfortable distance. A close friend, nothing more. And you had to accept that because you didn’t want to jeopardize your friendship. But since he missed you so much and invited you to see him and the boys, you had noticed him staring at you a little more. More then how a friend would stare, and you thought that maybe those feelings were rekindled. But instead, he would flirt with other girls, catching your eye as he did so. You were broken, and the only person who knew you you actually felt was Calum because he had walked in on you crying. The door opened, bringing you back to reality and you sighed looking up. Instead of seeing a woman you saw Michael, and he didn’t look pleased. “Michael! What are you doing in here?” You said looking around, clearly he wasn’t supposed to be in the ladies room. He turned around a locked the door, so no one would come in. “So are you going out with Niall afterwards?” He said leaning against the sink. You looked at him clearly confused. “And we’re discussing this here?” You said raising an eyebrow. “Yeah actually, we are.” He said, his tone hard. “What’s it to you?” You walked a little bit away from him, your heels clacking on the floor. “What’s it to me? The fact that my best friend is going to be shagging one of my best mates. That’s my problem.” He said, crossing his arms. “Hold on a second, shagging? Who said anything about shagging?” You felt an angry blush creep up your cheeks. “Well, what else would you two do?” He said sarcastically. “Besides, are you shagging those fans you flirt with all the freaking time?” He blinked at you, “What?” He asked. “You heard me, you’re in the same boat Michael.” You said leaning against the wall. “Maybe I will shag him tonight, scream loud enough for you to hear m-” You were cut off as his lips came down on yours, his body pressing you against the wall roughly. “I’m the only name you’ll be screaming,” He said kissing you roughly again. You pushed him away, taking a deep breath. “What the hell was that? You can’t do that! Don’t play with my feelings!” You yelled, your voice echoing harshly around you. “Your feelings? Don’t play with mine! You think that when I flirt with those girls and make fucking eye contact with you, that I’m interested? I’m seeing what your reaction is! I want to see if you feel the same way about me that I do with you! And now fucking Niall is moving in and it’s making my blood boil. I should be the only one for you, to be there for you, to take you out, to make you scream.” He yelled, holding eye contact. “I fucking love you, I always have! Christ, I didn’t want to screw up what we have as friends but god damn, I can’t get you out of my head… and now Nialls out there, trying to pick you up and you’re blushing and flirting along and I can’t take it!” He said slamming his fist on the vanity. You flinched your eyes wide. “Have you ever considered that what you’ve done has broken me down? Seeing you with girls since year nine has broken my heart. I fucking broke down in the bathroom and Calum found me crying OVER YOU. You didn’t show your feelings, you’ve always held me at arms length, just friends right Michael?” You yelled back, sharp tears pricking your eyes. “At least Niall showed me that he was interested!” You added, hoping he heard you. “Because I didn’t want to hurt you… I’m an asshole. I- I didn’t know I was hurting you like that… (Y/N), I’m so sorry… I never ever meant to hurt you, it was never my intention.” He said, his voice took a softer more caring tone. “I’m a fuck up aren’t I? I’ve ruined this, both my chances and our friendship…” He said running a hand through his hair. “You should go out with Niall…” You sighed, blinking slowly. “I can’t. Because you’re on my fucking mind all the time. Because if I went out with Niall, I’d be thinking of you and that’s not fair to him. You fucked me up Michael, I hope you know that but I am really in love with you.” You let out a shaky laugh. He walked towards you, slowly, gauging your reaction. When you didn’t move he came closer. “Really? Would you give this huge asshole a chance?” He said meeting your eyes. “Only because I really love you,” You replied smiling, as he leaned down for a kiss, everything feeling right.

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