Skiing with Mikey

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"Come on Mikey, don’t be scared!" you said nudging him, when you two were at the top of the bunny hill. Mikey shifted a little in his skis and said "I don’t know about this darling…." You then coaxed him saying "It’s alright, just bend your knees….there you go…now push yourself forward…"

Michael did as you told him, and he began to ski, well, really just slide down the hill. You had decided to take him to your local ski resort to show him the wonders and fun of winter….even though right now, it wasn’t that “fun”.

He whipped past you and you realized, Michael had forgotten how to stop! You immediately began to ski right after him, trying to catch up to him. However, he ended up crashing into a nearby snow pile.

His skis were up in the air, and you immediately stopped and said “Michael?” His body moved a little and finally he pushed himself out of the pile and turned around to you and said “I don’t know if that was ‘alright’ babe.”

You rolled your eyes and said “Come on! It’s your first time, and you’re still learning! I’ll show you how to do it properly though this time okay?” Michael pouted and said “But it’s cold!” “Trust me, once you get started, you’ll warm up!”

"But for lunch can we have some hot chocolate?" he asked, and you sighed and said "Fine Michael. But lunch is two hours away! So by then, you’ll become an amateur skier!" Michael then said "Fine Y/N. Let’s do it!"

You two began to work on Michael’s skiing skills. By lunchtime you were able to get Michael off the bunny slope and onto a blue run. And Michael did an amazing job!

By lunchtime, Michael had definitely earned his hot cocoa and had began to like skiing after that day.

A/N: follow me on instagram: @j_is_for_jade_

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