thirteen| Mocha Chips

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"You know you should have asked a girl to help your with this." Harry yelled from my room

"Like I really have friends that are chicks." I said from inside my bathroom I had called Harry over to help me pick out an outfit.  Honestly I preferred his opinion over any girl's because:

1) He was a guy

2) He knows what actually fits me

3) He's a guy who has a lot more experience of going on dates than I ever will

"Touche." I smoothed out the dress once more before walking back into my room appearing in front of the said boy who was laying lazily on my bed while preoccupied on his phone. I cleared my throat and he snapped his eyes up to me. His jaw slackened as his eyes scanned over the dress. It was a simple fitted black sweater dress reach the mid of my thigh and had intricate laced details at the top and on the sleeves, which showed of my curves. Simple just how I liked it.

"You" I laughed a little bit at his response as he stood still speechless

"You said that already." Shifting my weight from one leg to another because it started to hurt from standing to long

"I've never really seen you like this. I mean for our eighth grade prom yeah but you look so much different now."

"Good or bad different?" I said feeling a little self conscious as I pulled on the sleeves a bit

"Good differently." he got up from my bed and went up to me. One of his hands reaching up towards my face, he reached behind my head and pulled out my bun causing my hair to fall town into wavy curls which trickled down my back. He then moved some of the strays out my face and placed them behind my ear his hands brushing my cheek warming them with the touch.

"You know I'm glad." Harry said out of nowhere I looked at him quizzically he was never and extra emotional person and was rarely ever vocal about it 99% of the time

"For what?" I questioned

"Seeing you this happy. It good seeing you like this."

"You know if you weren't my best friend I would take you from Blake." he said with a smirk on his face eyeing me once again once more but this time jokingly

"Yeah right." I said lightheartedly as I pushed him away a bit

"C'mon Sandra you're smart, beautiful, your voice is beautiful. I'm surprised you don't have guys falling all over you." I felt my cheeks warm hearing him say this, me and Harry was close and I can't deny that there never was nothing ever there, but I valued ourfriendship much more than any relationship that could possibly happen between us and he knew this as well.

"He's lucky honestly." suddenly Harry's phone went off he opened his phone and grunted in annoyance

"I gotta go, they need me to take over for Miranda but if you need me at all you know I'll be here in a moments notice." he said grabbing his jacket running down the stairs

"Tell me how your date goes!" Harry yelled before slamming the door behind him. I went to do make make up since Blake said he would be here in half-an-hour. I decided to keep it simple with just eyeliner, mascara and a shimmery gloss.

It was a little pass the time Blake said he was going to pick me up and I decided to text him to make sure he was on his way.

To Blake,

Hey just wondering if you were on your way?

Slowly the time ticked away and there was still no sign of Blake as I waited outside. It started to snow a couple a minutes ago, it came down it fluffy heavy flakes but fell lightly on the streets, trees, and sidewalks. I huffed and rubbed my chilled arms to bring some warmth to them as I looked up and down the street for his car. I had already taken off my heels by then and sat on the steps of my house.

"Hey honey." I heard my mom say softly as if I was was a frightened animal that even the littlest thing would set me off as she came outside pulling her sweater closer to her while holding a mug which she then gave to me. "I don't think he's coming baby girl."

"No he is. He wouldn't just stood me up right?" I questioned in denial but I already knew the answer

I felt something drop down my chilled cheeks again and again.

"He stood me up mom." I said finally letting the tears fall freely down my face as my mom brought into her chest while rubbing circles on my back. She walked me back inside instantly feel the warmth yet I was cold. I was cold inside, in my chest. My first reaction was to run upstairs and that's exactly what I did.

"Cassy." My mom yelled in concern but I ignored her and kept going I instantly threw myself on my bed and called the only person I could talk to. Harry.


"Can you come over."

"Shall I bring the ice cream?" he said instantly knowing something was wrong by my voice

"Yes please." I said almost pleading I could almost laugh at myself of how vulnerable I sounded

"I'll be over in five." he said before hanging up I laid sully in my bed stuff my face in my pillows. There was footsteps outside my door and then a light knock before hearing the door open. I looked up to see Harry looking at me with a tub of Ben & Jerry's in his hand and a concerned look on his face. I wiped my tears and looked at him, he was still in his work attire.

"Where you at work?" I said while sniffling

It doesn't matter." he set the ice on my bed side table and sat on my bed and pulled me into a hug. Tears pricked my cheeks once my as I felt him run his hands in my hair soothingly, holding me tight as if he was scared I'll disappear if he let me go. His body was cold as the remain snow stayed stuck in his hair chilling my teary redden cheeks.

"He stood me up." I let out in a mess of words I felt Harry's jaw clench on top of my head Harry was upset. He was easy to read but he knew I didn't need him to fight for me I needed him to be there for me first and foremost.

He knew that.

But the one thing that hurt the most

Blake never texted me back to give me a reason why.

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