nine| ☃Coffee Grinds☃

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We talked with his mother for a while, I learned that she was a writer while Blake's father worked for one of the corporate buildings in town. Both were high school sweethearts and eventually got married they were an odd combination from what both Blake and his mother told me, Blake's father being very professional while his mother had a more of a laid-back persona but it worked for them.

"I'll leave you two to talk while I check on the food. If you need me I'll be in the kitchen." she said while making her way into the other room I shifted in the plush couch while both of us sat in silence not knowing how to spark a conversation as Frosty The Snowman played in the background

"Sooo." I stated

"When is the next time you're preforming, you haven't sang in a while." he blurted out I thought about it has been a while since I last sang hasn't it

"Maybe this Friday if I have nothing planned."

"Good, I look forward to it. I miss hearing you sing." he said while smiling as his dimples poked out from the side of his cheek while myself redden at his comment

About an hour later both me and Blake were snuggled up under a blanket watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas after our many other Christmas movies before that. When suddenly a man walked in with a nice suit being that I was closer to the door I saw him first we both stared at each other as if we both were competing not to look away. Blake looked over my shoulder to see the man while he and I never broke contact. He looked rather young with a few grey strains sticking close to his scalp.


"Dad." he looked at Blake and Blake looked back before returning his glance at me

"No funny business." he said nonchalantly as he was the first to break contact while hanging his snow-covered coat on the coat rack. I suddenly felt awkward after realizing what his was implying while Blake's reaction was completely different as he was laughing like it was nothing. I subconsciously shifted myself a little away from Blake thanks to his comment causing the warm blanket to fall from my frame.

"I'm not trying to live up to that motto 'die young' I actually value my life." then his dad let out a chuckle while I just sat there like a dump on the log 'What the heck just happened'

"I-I uh well." I stuttered

"Dad meet Cassandra, Cass this my dad."

"Kurt don't scare the poor girl." Blake's mom said coming to my rescue as she wiped her hands on her apron an kissed Blake's dad on the cheek. He unbuttoned his top collar button and both of his shirt's arm buttons and rolled up his sleeve.

"So what's for dinner."


"So Cassandra's Stammer right?" Blake's dad asked while we were at the dinner table I nodded, fiddling with my hands in my lap it was quiet besides the wind blowing against the house\. Christmas moves continued to play in the background from the living, Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer was playing right now.

"Ahhh so you're the Cassandra I've been hearing about. You picked a good one Blake and Taylor's daughter too." his dad smirked at him while Blake looked at his dad and then glanced at me. He scratched the back of his neck, a nervous habit a picked up on since we started hanging out.

"Don't give me that look." now it was my turn to laugh

"I swear it like the roles are completely switched." his mom muttered

Blake's mom brought out the food from the kitchen and as soon and she set it on the table my mouth watered.

"You really outdid your self honey."

"Well, I should since I'm the only one who ever cooks in this house you should be impressed."

"Hey! I do cook-"

"Making toast does not qualify as "cooking." she said while cutting him off while he grumbled in his seat muttering something I looked at Blake but he waved his hands trying to stop any assumptions

"Don't look at me the only thing I know how to do is scramble eggs and ice cakes. That's it." I shook my head and took the first bite of the was utter heaven.

"This is amazing."


"Whelp I think it's time that I take you home-"

"I wouldn't suggest that look." his mom changed the channel to a news network to see that it was a blizzard outside and that police suggested that nobody drive.

"How am I going to get home?"

"You can stay here for the night." Blake suggested I tried thinking of a way to say no but what was I going to do walking in a blizzard? I bit my lip weighing how bad could it really be outisde, but when Iooked putside you could barely see across the street.

"How  bad one night could be?" I said with  a shrug and a unconvincing smile but Blake didn't notice as he just smiled.


"You can sleep in my room I'll sleep on the couch." Blake said as he came into the living room with clothes in his hands and hanged them to me 

"My mom found some of her old clothes she said they should fit you." he stuffed his hands in his pockets

"Thanks." was all I said and after that there was a pregnant silence  that filled the room

"I really hate to impose." I spoke up  again starting to feel a little bad

"What you really think we were going to let you walk through a blizzard?" True.

"Thanks for everything." I said as I ran my hands over the fabric, it was soft and silky

"Anytime my room is trough the hallway second door on the right if you need me-" he said grabbing the blanket off the rocking chair and laid it on the couch while he got underneath it

"I'll be here, night Cass." he said getting and then kissing me on my forehead as his lips left so did the warmth of them

"Night." I followed his directions to where his room was. It was tidy with light grey walls with a few pictures an trophies from sports. I got changed into a over-sized shirt and a pair of grey shorts. About an hour of failed attempts to sleep I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water when I heard footsteps coming my way.

"What are you still doing up." Blake said groggily I turned to see him stretch in the middle of the door way but also seeing another thing



Iv'e seen guys shirtless before it being Harry for the most part but it was different this time he was different this was Blake Fulton. He was toned six pack v-line total eye candy

"Well-uh I-I was thirst and can't sleep." I said returning my full attention to the glass on the table while resisting to look at him

"Ahh that stuttering I love." he said with a sleepy smile on his face his voice was groggy and a little deeper then usual 

"Well um I'm just going to head back to bed well uh night." I said making a mad dash back to his room not only did I not sleep.

But I forgot the water also.

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