ten| +Hot Water+

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I woke up to a ceiling that did not belong to mind at first I wondered where was I and then all the events at occurred last night hit me like a truck. I looked around the room noticing little details of Blake's room that I missed last night due to the lack of light. There were more trophies than I saw last night some resting on his dresser, the room itself was a large size with plenty of space with normal room amenities like a dresser and mirror and what-not. His room was surprisingly tidy for a boy and for me being an only child I speak of the behalf of my not-so cleanly best friend.

I checked my phone to see I had four texts one from mom and about three from Harry asking "Where was I?" and "If I was okay?" all having about a 30-minute interval between messages that he sent late last night. I looked in the mirror to see how bad the damage of my sleeping caused, my hair was disheveled while only my mascara was slightly smeared on the bottom of my eyes. I groaned at the sight and quietly made my way out of the room and across the hall from his room to the bathroom.

I attempted at fixing my hair situation by putting it in a messy bun and wiped away the stubborn smudges from up under my eyes, and began my unenviable trek downstairs. Slowly I crept down the stairs they creaked almost every other step while I cringed at the sound of it making my way through the living room. The light from the window lit the dark room as I looked towards the couch only to find blankets in a messy bundle

"Where is he?" I mumbled lowly as my head peeked into the room to see the body of a certain boy asleep

I walked into the kitchen to see him cooking something with a hint of smoke from something burning. The countertops were a complete mess.

"Morning." he turned slightly towards me as he continued to what I assume was cooking

"I thought you said you couldn't cook."

"Oh well you see is...." he started when I noticed something...well smelt something

"Umm what's that smell?" his eyes widened as he quickly turned around from me to his now burnt food

"Oh crap! No no noooo!"

"I was trying to cook food for everyone but...as you can see it didn't go as planned." he looked defeated I took a piece of his burnt bacon it wasn't that bad but the rest of it was not that edible

"It's okay it's the thought that counts really. It was sweet of you to even make anything." I smiled at him slowly he smiled back at me

"There's a diner not to far from here maybe we can get breakfast there, my treat just let me get changed into something that's not sooo...flourey." in a rush he went upstairs to go changed I looked around the kitchen and noticed a bundle of clothes laying neatly on the dinner table with a note on top.

'I thought you might need some new clothes to change into so here are some old clothes that I thought would fit you' :)

              -Blake's Mom

I went to the bathroom and changed into the clothes which was a pair of dark-washed jeans with a knit grey sweater. I placed my old clothes into my bag that I brought with me and when I came out Blake was waiting outside in the kitchen texting on his phone. He looked up when he heard me approach him.

"Hey you ready? I hope you won't mind but I invited one of my friends to join us for breakfast."

"Yeah it's no big deal." I said at the news of our unexpected plus one

"Great." Not great.

We walked around his block going past people cleaning off their cars, sidewalks, and driveways from last nights snow, both of us walking at a slow pace to take in the scenery. Since the diner according to Blake was not too far away we decided to walk that and the fact the car was buried in snow. Where Blake lived was like day and night compared to where I lived. Blake lived in the quieter suburban area of town while I lived in the hustle and bustle of downtown. It was odd and strange to me, my mom and I lived in a nice loft apartment in the middle of downtown Creek Falls.

"There it is." he pointed and a vintage style diner we walked inside and sat at a booth when an older looking waiter's approached us

"Good morning Blake back here again? Oh who is this lovely lady?" she questioned with a kind smile on her face

"This is my friend Cassandra." she took our order and as we waited for me and Blake conversed over different topics from school, to our likes and dislikes and everything in between.

We had just got our food when an ash blond boy came in covered with snow with a string of curses rolling off his tongue as he approached us.

"Glad to see you took your sweet time." Blake said sarcastically to the blond

"Well your car didn't get stuck in the snow three times now did it?" he shook off the random snow that still lingered when he finally noticed me.

"Oh who's this?" he said sitting beside me glancing back and forth from me and Blake

This is Cassandra."

"I'm Trevor so you're the famous Cassandra I've been hearing about." Wait what?

"Cass this is my friend who said will be joining us. He usually isn't this much of an asshat-"

"Hey hey hey language mister we have a woman in our presence here." Trevor said motioning towards me he passed a glance at me and I noticed that his eyes were the brightest blue I've ever seen

"So..um how long has you and Trevor been best friends?" I questioned just as I noticed a busboy coming with our food

"Just about our whole lives really." Our food was sat down in front of us me having Belgium waffles and Blake having an omelet Trevor ordered his food as the busboy placed ours down

" It's crazy how I have most of my classes with you yet we never speak."

"I usually keep to myself."I responded before taking a mouth full of my food

"Well now that we're all acquainted Cass do you have a boyfriend?" I choked


After we all had finished eating Blake had asked Trevor if he could take me home as were all ready to leave. Blake in addition also tagged along asking Trevor if he can take him home as well after he had dropped me off. I gave the blond to the directions to my house and with twenty minutes we had arrived right outside the complex.

"Sorry about Trevor he can be quiet...whelming." Blake said as we reached my doorstep

"It's fine really."

"Sooo umm." I reached up and kissed his cheek

"Thanks for everything, really."

"Yeah uh no problem." I unlocked my door and walked through it halfway

"See you later Cassy." he said walking back to Trevor car

"Later." I said before closing the door and crumbling to the floor


I think....I think I'm starting to fall for Blake Fulton


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