five| Frappe

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I was freaking out and pacing back in my room. Blake had just invited me to go skating with him. Not that it was a problem of course, except the fact that he meant Ice Skating. 

  "Hey do you want to go ice skating?" he said through the phone his soft voice the same as if in person

  "Sure it would be cool." I tried playing it cool like if that was possible with him

Of course I had to say yes but I had one huge major problem. I am absolutely horribly uncoordinated. Sure I took dance as a child but balancing on anything that my feet did not touch the floor one bit on is a horrible mistake. 

  "Sure it would be cool. Cool to watch you laugh at me as I fall every five seconds." I mocked at myself pulling my hair in frustration. I decided to get rid of some of my frustration by picking out the actual outfit I was going to wear. I decided upon a maroon knit sweater dress along with some black legging to match my black beanie

  "Cassandra there is a car waiting for you outside!" My mom yelled from downstairs I told her I would be down in a minute and grabbed my black little purse and left out the door

   "Hi." he said with a million dollar smile making my heart flutter a bit

  "Hi." I replied back awkwardly he laughed and looked at my outfit

   "You look really beautiful." he said as he started to pull away from my house I blushed from the compliment 

   "Thank you."


We arrived at the skating rink and went to the little desk to get our skates so we could go skating  

"Hey guys what are your sizes?" a petite female employee said with a bright smile on her face

  "Size eleven in a half and-??" Blake looked at me to tell the lady me size

  "Size 6 please." she took our sizes and went into the back to go fetch our skate me secretly hoping she would take forever sadly she didn't

  "Here you go have great time skating you guys." she said as we began to walk away to find a seat so we could lace up

"You ready?" Blake asked with a hand stretched out towards we his skates already laced I nodded and took his hand wobbling a bit because of the foreign feeling of my feet not being on actual solid ground. We went into the rink to see a bunch of people already skating and enjoying their time while I dreaded it

"Woah." I said instantly as me feet touched the ice I quickly grasped onto the wall to balance myself

"You okay?" Blake said rather gentlemanly as he skated in front of me like a pro

"I'm good I'm good."I reassured I took a deep breath and let go I was fine till I tried to move one foot in front me causing me to fall forward. I braced for the impacted and felt none as Blake had kept me from falling my holding my waist

"Thank you." I barely said over a low whisper trying to catch my breath plus the fact the Blake the hottest guy in school was holding me

"What I'm not just gonna let a pretty girl fall." straightening me up I grasped the ring wall quickly to keep myself from falling again

"You know you really are sweet." I said I looked down at me feet and sighed

"I really suck at this." I said out loud as my feet constantly tried to slip from up under me he laughed and grasped my hand I stared at our entwined hands confused 

"I'll help you just hold on to me I won't let you go, I promise." he had a sincere look on his face and I hesitantly let go off the wall as he slowly pulled me along with him. I was fine as I just let me feet glide while he moved for the both of us

We kept at it for a while until Blake suddenly stop make the momentum of me still moving making me bump into him when we both heard giggles an turned to see little girls watching the both of us skate

  "They are so cute." one of the girls whispered just loud enough for us to hear

  "I know right." the other replied back as they skated away  I looked back at Blake pretending I didn't hear what they said

  "Sorry." We both said at the same time laughing a bit we decided it was time for us to go home and returned our death contraptions to the desk. The ride home was filled with small chat 

"I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy this I didn't know you couldn't skate."Blake finally spoke as he pulled up to my house

  "No it's fine, really. It was nice." I said back we both went silent for a while till he spoke up again

  "Maybe we can do this again. You know not the whole skating thing again but something different." I nodded and kissed his cheek as I opened the door of his car

  "We should." I said before finally closing the door and made it up to my porch I unlocked the door but not without looking back to finally see him pull off

  "Who said chivalry was dead."

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