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The cold and frigid air chilled my skin as I walked down the semi-busy sidewalk downtown. It was Friday and that had meant open-mic which I sort off missed actually. As I walked through the door I was instantly greeted by the chiming of the bell that hung just above the door along with the warmth of the building and the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

"Look what that cat dragged in." Harry joked as he saw him as I passed the barista area which he was currently working at I rolled my eyes at his comment, the shop was surprisingly empty tonight usually open-mic brought in a decent crowd somewhat

"Shocking right? I blame the snow from the night before, speaking of which you never responded back to my text?" he crossed his arm and looked at me exactly how a parent would scold their child.


"I swear Cass..." he said finally before attending back to work

"You know I did actually visit I you just were off that day." I said as I took a seat not to far away from where he was

"You could have called." he said in a matter-of-fact tone as he sat my warm drink on the table I grasped it talking in the warmth as I traced the lid with my thumb before taking a sip...which I instantly regretted

"What is this?" I said in disgust as Harry had a smirk on his face instantly knowing this was his doing

"It's tea."

"Why?...why would you give me this?" I glared daggers at him and then at the cup in my hand as if it was the most hated thing in the world

"You can't keep drinking coffee all the time Cass it's unhealthy."

"It's a lifestyle you can't handle Harrison." he glared at me before continuing his work when we were younger the teacher used to always get his name wrong and call him Harrison and honestly he despised the name so much. But with an eighty-something-year-old teacher getting names wrong despite we were forced to wear name tags half the time we had her was not uncommon. 

Someone walked onto the little stage I had come to adore and tapped on the mic twice to gather everyone's attention.

"Thank you to everyone who came out for tonight's open mic, especially the artist performing tonight. You know when I opened this little shop I wanted to make an atmosphere where everyone is able to create and do their art forms freely, a with that said I would like to bring up our regular performer who presence I adore every time she's on this stage so please welcome Cassandra to the stage." There was a small burst of claps as I walked up to the stage

"I haven't performed in a while but recently I been talking to someone who's been supporting me through the short time we knew each other and actually told me to perform so...here I am." There was a bit of laughter as I looked at Harry who gave me a thumbs up 

When the music began I looked over the crowd when I saw a mop of brown and blond hair that had snow covering some of it. When the two boys looked up I saw that it was both Blake and Trevor that had come in. Both smiled at me while I sang causing me also to smile, making my confidence grow a bit more making my voice sound a bit stronger yet soft still. After the song had finished I had gone down to the two boys who now had cups in their hands.

"You were-" Trevor started to only be cut off by Blake

"Amazing, breathtaking, brilliant, amazing...I already said that didn't I?" Blake said causing me to chuckle 

"Smooth." Trevor mocked causing Blake to slap his shoulder

"Hey don't hit me it's not my fault you stumbling when-"

"Okay, that's enough outta you don't you have some girls to scout out?" Blake said pushing him towards a table of girls who were whispering and looking over at us.

"It's not my fault they fall for my charms you make it seem like I'm a womanizer." he said before taking another sip of his drink before walking off

"Why do you like singing here? Why don't you like sing at school events you seem fine performing here?"

"I used to be shy and pretty self-conscious with my voice so this place is really where I first started to sing out in public, just a small enough crowd comes in that I can handle. Besides I'm one of those people that aren't really noticed in school and singing in front of the whole school...it gives me a lack of control of the situation and makes me uncomfortable." he nodded understanding

"I'm glad I at least got here on time." he said while smiling 'Jesus this boy will be the death of me'

"Do you sing Blake?"

"Uh well...kinda I'm more of a guitar accompanist but I used to a while ago."

Why did you stop?" I questioned

"I guess I grew out of it but. So when am I going to go over to your house for your 'special coffee' Cass?"he said changing the topic


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