Chapter Four

Depuis le début

"Ian?" He smiles down at me. "Can you show me my room? I'm bored here now." He just nods, I turn to Mr A.

"Hey can I have me key and school schedule. Hmm... And a tour guide..." My sentence slowly drifting into silence...

"Sure. Here’s your key and you're not going to school- youareteaching." He talked uber fast at the end making it hard to understand. Hard- not impossible.

"Thank you and WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M TEACHING!!!" He shrunk into his high back plush chair, his voice betraying his true fear.

"M-Miss H-Hisoka! Don't you dare talk to your superiors like that!" I see his eyes pleading for me to play along with him. I hide my smile with a frown.

"Aww! But I want to be in the crowds with the rest of the students. So if they try to grope me... well let's just say- ouch!" I direct a glare to Kyle as I answer Mr A, he shudders but I'm not quite sure if it was in horror or... yeah.

"I know Miss Hisoka but you need to teach these guys something, our teaching methods seem to do nothing!" His eyes are pleading with me. "Please? You might know how to push the information into their thick skulls. Yes, I did just say 'Thick skulled'." He pointedly looked at Kyle, just like I did when I explained about the groping.

Everyone’s attention was drawn towards the telephone on Mr Adams desk which is now ringing. Putting a finger to his mouth pointedly shushing us all, whilst he picked the receiver.

"Yes?" He asked curtly. Slowly he began to frown... His eyes then widened in shock, shoving the phone down he stood up and whisper/yelled at all of us.

"The head of state is coming! Hisoka- change! Everyone else stand-up straight and stand over here by my desk." I shake my head and turn to the door leading into the ensuite bathroom.

Pinning up my shoulder length hair to make it look short and spiky and then took my jeans vest- that I always wear under my clothes for an emergency if I have to turn into a guy- and tighten it nicely flattening my chest, then I darkened my skin slightly to make me look tanned. Giving myself a satisfied once over in the mirror, I walk out and stand beside Ian before Mr Adams rudely dragged me to stand beside the guy who showed me to Mr Adams room.

I didn’t mention about how roughly  he man handled me instead I stood up straight and placed my hands against my back with my feet spread shoulder width. Very military. Mr Adams looked down the line disapprovingly.

"Everyone, stand like Hisoka here. That's how you stand to attention." He told the group as he pointed at me. The door burst open and a huge man with a ginger beard sort of waddled in. Holding back a snicker I stand up slightly straighter. Mr Penguin- as I have 'Dubbed' the fat man- hugged Mr Adams, his terrified eyes locking with mine.

'Save me!' his eyes seemed to scream at me. I smirk at him and shake my head- that’s what he gets for being mean to me. He stepped away from ‘Mr Penguin’ and waved a hand towards our group, the man turned around and stared at us all.

"This here is some students who I was just talking to about what they were going to do today because their lessons are cancelled because of our new teacher." Mr Adams put a hand on my shoulder as he talked. ‘Mr Penguin’ waddled in front of me and held out his hand, I looked down at it till Mr Adams squeezed my shoulder slightly. I put my hand in his and shook it.

"Hello, I'm Mr Iceberg." I smirk inwardly. "Who are you, if I may ask?" I let go of his hand and stand straight again.

"My name, Sir, is Hisoka Night. I am teaching..." I turn to Mr Adams.  

"Ah... Yes. Here it is. You are teaching a mixed group in everything for every year." I stare at him in disbelieve. ‘What?!’ I just smiled at them as I silently screamed in my head. Mr Adams now turned towards the guy beside me.

"Now sir, this young man here is amazing. Mr Iceberg I'm pleased to introduce you to Mr Zane Kisko." Mr A said with a huge smile in his face. My own face was blank of emotion; internally I was having an argument.

‘Zane Kisko? Zankey? Can it be? Damn he's filled out...’

*No! Hisoka, don't you dare think stuff like that!*

‘Wait... Where did this thinking come from? I've lost it.’

*Can't lose you never had.*

‘Damn. That's creepy...’

Snapping me out of my thoughts Mr Adams waved a hand in front of my face.

"Hisoka? Are you okay?" I nod my head and smile gently at him.

"Yes. I'm just tired. Please may I have a tour guide to show me around a bit? That would be helpful." I gave him my puppy dog eyes when Mr Iceberg (Penguin) wasn't looking.

"Sure, Zane? Please take Hisoka to room six hundred and sixty-six. Then please show Hisoka around. Thank you."  With that we were all pushed out of the room and left in the silent hallway.

"Ain't that something?" I ask to no one in particular.

"What is?" Zane asked. I yawn and turn to him. Seeing there others puzzled faces.

"My suite is 666." 

Curiosity Made the SpyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant