Chapter 14 What A Blast

Start from the beginning

"oh you are, well thats great, just becarefull and you know what not to do your smart"

"OK, what time is the party?"

"be home and ready by 7 and pick out something formal but not to formal,"

"OK, bye love you"

"love you too"

After we ended the conversation I looked and seen it was 11:20 I told Mia bye and ran to get ready to go see David. I took a quick shower and through on a pair of tan shorts and a floral top, with my black sandals that came to my ankle.I quickly finger brushed my hair put my hair tie on my wrist and bushed a light amount of mascara on my eyelashes. Looked at my self one last time before grabbing my little wrist wallet and cell and headed out the door flopping my big ol'bug eyed sunglasses over my eyes to block the sun.

As I was coming up to the corner, I seen David standing there in some kahki shorts and a blue tee shirt and his baseball cap, man he looked good.

"hey, beautiful." He greeted with a ear to ear smile

"hey." I said slightly embarrassed.

"sorry to have called you that is it ok?' He questioned

"um, Ya its fine." I responed with a smile.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked him

"well that's up to, I figured maybe go down to the bored walk if you would like."

"um, thats a far walk,."

"We can go back and grab my car." he laughed.

"um ok"

We walked in the direction of his house to go get his car, we just chit chatted about meaningless things and a whole lot of nothing.

"ok, well this is my house I just have to grab my keys."

Holy shit, now I see why he didn't judge me his house is almost as big as mine. I stood there and waited for him to come back out, when the garage door opened and scared the crap out of me.

"so, do you wanna take the car?" He asked pointing to a nice  Porsche "or do you wanna take the.

"OMG you do not have the Ducati 1199 Superleggera" I all but yelled as i ran to the beauty in front of me.

"Um,holy hell you know what this is?'

"oh my gawd who don't know what a Ducati is?'

"well I guess we are taking the bike."

"oh ya" I smiled.

And with that we where off to the bored walk.

 Once we got to the bored walk David parked the bike and we headed down the bored walk towards all the excitement. As we where walking David had this look on his face of shock. I guess he hasn't meet a girl who knows what a motorcycle is.

"So how did you know what kinda bike that was?" he asked me

"oh, well my dad was into bikes and i tagged along and became really fascinated with them."

"oh, that is totally hot" he said

I smiled at him. Ya I'm not your normal girly girl I love adventure.

"So what are we going to do here?" I asked him

"what ever you want"

"common then lets hit those roller coasters." I grabbed his hand and started running.

He just went along with it and ran with me. We went to the ticket both and decided to get bracelets because there where way to many rides for tickets. We spent the day riding roller coasters and rides that flip you upside down and everything. I don't think I have had a better day.  as we where heading to grab some food for our over hungry belly's I checked the time it was almost 5 and i had to be ready by seven.

"so what do you want to eat?" David asked

"hmmm lets go get a burger"

"um, ok" he replied shocked

"so you dont care what people think of you do you?" he asked

"a not really, I just am who I am and if no one likes that sucks to be them." I answered.

"Man I am glad I meet you."

After we ate our burgers we headed back to my house to drop me off so i could get ready for the party. The drive to my house was about a half hour or so. I told him where to stop and he shut the bike off.

"Thanks for coming with me today I had a lot of fun." he said

"me too thanks for asking me to go, I seriously think this is the best day I have had in a while."

"well I am glad I was a apart of that."

I gave him a quick hug and headed into my house as he left.

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