He grabbed one and threw it into his mouth, before carrying on.

'You know how girls are. They find even the oldest of men hot.'

'Wow, well it's great to finally have a chance to talk to you, Chanyeol.'

The giant smiled, looking down at Baekhyun again.

'How are you, huh? Still quiet?'

'He's been talking about you all morning. He had fun yesterday.'

'Really? That's cute.' Chanyeol patted his shoulder and secretly stole another handful of fries. 'Did you bring your notebook today?'

Baekhyun shook his head.

'No? That's okay, I thought ahead and brought my own.'

The giant pulled out his notebook and pen and passed it to him.

I didn't think you were going to sit with us. I didn't know I needed to bring it.

'Baekhyun, aren't you at the right level of your friendship with Chanyeol to start talking to him yet?' Minseok sounded worried.

'Is this usually the time when he loosens up around new people?'

'Yeah,' The dark haired male smirked. 'He must be really nervous around you.'

Baekhyun suddenly glared up at Minseok, surprising them.

He wrote something down, not letting Chanyeol see, before he ripped it out once his best friend read it.

'What did it say?'

Nothing.. Ignore it.

'Hiding secrets from your new pal, huh?' Chanyeol joked, before deciding to change the subject. 'Anyway, what music do you listen to?'

I love all genres. I'm listening to mamamoo, 10cm and blackpink at the monent. But I'll dance to anything on the radio.

'Ah, I'm more of a 2ne1 fan.'

but.. they broke up.

'D-don't remind me.. I cried enough on the day they disbanded, I don't need to shed anymore tears, especially in public.'

'I remember how you used to go on and on about them when we were close friends; it's a shame they broke up so soon.' Minseok smiled sympathetically at the giant, who was trembling amd trying his hardest to keep it together.

Baekhyun looked genuinely worried as he stroked Chanyeol's arm, grabbing his attention.

Would you like to hang out again on Friday?

'Oh, uh, sure, I'd love to! Where, though..?'

My house?

'Alright, I'm up for it.' Chanyeol's mood suddenly changed as he smiled brightly at the latter, watching as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

'What about me, guys?'

They both turned to the brunette; both had forgotten he was still there.

'Ah, Minseok, you can come too!'

Chanyeol wasn't stupid, he could see the upset look on Baekhyun's face in the corner of his eye and then the way Minseok looked back and forth between the two.

'I was kidding!' He laughed it off. 'Im  busy then. Perhaps another time?'

'Okay! I guess it's just me and you on Friday, Baekhyun.'

The smaller male smiled, mentally thanking the heavens and of course, his best friend Minseok, for letting them hang out together again.


Chanyeol was sat in class, zoning out as the teacher literally screamed at a student who had tried to hug her from behind.

She was considered hot to most of the students in the school, so she would always get weird moments like this.

'Chanyeol, stop staring at Taeyeon. She's a lovely girl, but you need to pay attention in class.' The teacher suddenly snapped, making the whole room snicker.

It was true, when he was daydreaming, his eyes had somehow made their own way to the back of Taeyeon's head, who was now staring at him with eyebrows raised.

'No, miss, it's not what it looks like! She's just my best friend, I wasn't--'

'Yeah, yeah. Stop talking and listen.'

Chanyeol groaned, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat. His eyes were glued to the board this time, but he still refused to listen to the teacher's bullshit.

At the back of the classroom, was Baekhyun, a little confused about what just happened.

It was nothing.. I'm sure it was nothing..

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