Ch.21» Dat-Hangout

Start from the beginning

Your roll your eyes and walk up to the door to the balcony before opening it slowly.

" Good Morning! M'Lady! " He greets, enthusiastically while pulling out a Bouquet of (Favorite Flower).

You giggled. " Good Morning, Chat. " You happily took the flowers from him. " Isn't it s little too early to— "

" Bring you flowers?" He cuts you off.

You gave him a look. " Sure... "

" Nah, Kinda guest you need it to start a day. "


It only has been 10 minutes since Nash and Marinette's 'hangout' started and yet the female is still uncomfortable with it. Right now, they're just walking around the park, enjoying the refreshing breeze. In the middle of their walk,Nash noticed the Ice-Cream parlor at the corner.

" Hey Marinette? Wanna go there? " The male points at the shop.

The female nods her head, slowly. " S-sure...? "

Nash grabbed her arm and started dragging her inside. After ordering their treat, they both sat down near the window. Marinette, sitting across the (H/c)-haired male, mentally smiling while in reality, she was a blushing mess.

" Are you okay? " Nash asked, the mini spoon still in the corner of his mouth while tilting his head to the side.

" Y-yeah, I was just thinking. D-don't worry about it. " She took another scoop of Ice cream and put in her mouth.

The male shrug,finishing his treat before slouching down his chair. Marinette chuckled and finishes her own Ice cream. As they both left the parlor, they went back to walking.Nash let out an sigh, but his sigh was different, like he was hurt. The blue-haired female looked at her, trying to find a clue if something was wrong.

" Why are you starring at me? " He ask out of the blue with a grin, breaking his frowned lips.

Marinette flinched. " I'm not 'Starring'...— "

" So you're saying that your admiring me? " His grin turns into a sly smirk.

The female blushed and looked away, a little embarrassed.

Nash chuckled at her cute reaction. " Relax Marinette, I was only teasing you. "

She puffed her cheeks.

Another sigh escaped the male's lips. " If you really want to know, it's about our parents. "

" O-oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. "

Nash shrugged. " Nah, it's fine. Hey,You know what? "

Marinette look back at him. " What?"

" When I was kid, I used to think my parents are superheroes."

Marinette giggled. " Typical for a kid. "

He shrugged again. " I know. And when it's night time, I always thought that after they read me and (Y/n) a bedtime story, they will go and leave the house to patrol around the city. "

The female rolled her eyes.

" (Y/n) used to be very annoyed by i— SQUIRREL! "

« Time Skip »

Chat Noir actually stayed there in your room for a long time ( Maybe like 1 and a half hour) The both of you are just talking to each other,eating, and sharing some stories, of course, different stories for Chat, since he don't want (Y/n) to go suspicious on him.

Yup! Seems like you have your own hangout with someone. After Chat left, (K/n) woke up but went back to sleep after like an hour.

You couldn't help but smile like an idiot. You buried your head on your hands while taking a sip of your drink.

" I'm back~!!"

You hear an all too familiar voice,enters.

" Welcome back, Nash. How was it? "

" Great... Except for the fact that I chase squirrels around the park. "

You sweat drop. " You what?"

Suddenly,you receive a text.

[ Adrio ]

{ Hey...(Y/n)? I think you forgot to give my notes back. }

Yeah, you gave Adrien your number like weeks ago. You tap your chin until realization hits you.

{ Oh yeah! Sorry about that! I'll give it back tomorrow.}

{ It's fine. }
{ See you tomorrow then? }

{ Yup! }

You turn off your phone and glance around the living room,noticing that Nash was missing. You stood up and walk over to the kitchen, only to find your twin, pouring some whipped cream on his mouth and putting an strawberry at the top.

" Seriously? "


♦♥~ Unicorn Queen💖

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♦♥~ Unicorn Queen💖

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