Ch.6» Hello Again~

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-- Adrien's POV --
( Yes, Finnaly )

" Can we hang out tomorrow? " I ask.

She stand there dumbfounded with a red face - I, on the other hand was blushing but I still keep an cool expression.

' Oh no! What if she gets the wrong idea?! '

" I will love to " I look at (Y/n), who is smiling with a tint of blush.

" Sounds Great " I smile back.

" So are you two - lovebirds, done yet? " I voice call out.

We turn around to see the source of the voice which is Nash with Marinette behind him.

" I thought the two of you was sitting at the railings? " (Y/n) asks, still leaning.

" We were " Marinette look at Nash, crossing her arms." But he fell off "

Me and (Y/n) laughs. " Your so immature Nash" The female beside me say between her laugh.

" It wasn't my fault! It was the wind! " The (H/c)-haired boy gestures.

" Right. . . " Marinette rolls her eyes.

"But seriously how did you fell off? " I ask.

" You see. . ." Nash looks at the side, sheepishly.

" He was trying to show me his skills when suddenly , he lost balance and fell off " Marinette explains.

Me and (Y/n) look at the body of the (E/c)-eyed male and look back at their face.

" Well that explains the bruises and scratch" I state.

(Y/n) chuckles at how her brother acts. " How about the both of you buy us something? "

" Like what? " Nash reply.

" Food maybe? "

" Sure! " Marinette smiles.

" You will have to pay me " The (H/c)-haired male fold his arms and look at his twin.

" I will "

The both of them left, leaving me and (Y/n) alone, again.

" See what I mean? " She look in front of her.

I lean back at the railings and look ahead.
I nod my head with a smile. " So Nash never do this stuff? "

" No. . .He only do that with his friends but not with girls "

" That's a good sign " I nod my head.

" Oh, um , By the way " (Y/n) starts while hiding her red face." about tomorrow. . ."

" I'll pick you up " I smile.

" How Did you-? Okay then " She shrug.
" But, what about your father? "

I look down a little. " I think it's my day off "

" Oh, I see "

" You never really ask questions? "

" Not really. I only ask questions if it isn't too personal " She smiles.

« Time Skip by Natsu »

I land on a rooftop, safely and look at Ladybug.

" I'll take the other way while you take that way " She gestures.

I nod my head started to jump and rain from roof to roof.

To be honest , I'm more excited to go on and patrol every time. And I think you guys already know why.

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