Ch.5» Hangout

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-- (Y/n)'s POV --

We all started to walk around the park but for some reason we are divided into partners.

Me and Adrien.

Marinette and Nash.

And Alya and Nino.

Weird but okay. I throw the empty cup at a trash can and jog up to Adrien. The walk was pretty quiet - well for the both of us. Those 4 are just having a normal conversation.

" Hey. . .Um, Adrien? " I start.

He looks at me , his hands at the back." Yeah?"

" I was about to ask you this like - um , " I say , trying to remember what date it is. " Just before. "

" What is it? "

" You actually look really familiar - like I've met you before "

" We actually have the same thought " He smiles.

" R-really? "

" Yeah " He looks at me, His smile still there. I smile back and look forward.

Then it went back to being awkward.

" Anyways! To stop this awkward moment! " I blurt out, making Adrien look at me again. " I'm gonna tell you what happened last night! "

" and why should I know that? "

" It's really mportant " I nod my head.

He chuckles and gestures me to continue.

" I've met this perv last night "

" Who's the perv? " He asks , worryingly.

" Chat Noir " I reply.

He froze a bit but shook it off.

" How is he a perv? "

" Who would go to people's houses without asking and consider themselves as 'Superheores'? "

" He's a Hero , that's what they do " He reply.

" Well yeah. But Good thing Ladybug was there to confirm it. "

I look at him. " And . . ."

" And? "

I look at his face, my head going left and right , slowly while inspecting it." He kinda looks like you "

He freezes , again and shake his head. " What d-do you m-mean? " He stutter with a red face.

We stop waking and face each other.

" Adrien? Are you sick? " I ask while touching his forehead with the back of my hand.

-- Nash's POV --

" A-and yeah " Marinette say , finishing her story.

" Wow. . . " I say amaze.

" But it's just normal " She smiles. I smile back and look around.

" Where's (Y/n) and Adrien? " I ask.

" There " She points behind us , we turn around and saw (Y/n) Holding Adrien's forehead.

Since Nino and Alya went the other way, Me And Marinette walk to them.

" What happened? " The girl beside me ask.

" Well . . .Adrien was getting red so I thought he was sick " (Y/n) Replys.

I look at the blonde , who's face is now normal. " He looks fine to me "

✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader Where stories live. Discover now