Ch.20» Decision

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" (Y/n)... " Nash mumbles.

She turned around and wiped her tears away. " N-Nash, I though you were hanging out with Adrien?"

" We were, but we were tired so we left early. " He closed the door and walk over to you.

" Oh..." Was the only thing you said.

Fizz and (K/n) flew out and looked at the twins with sad eyes.Nash slowly sat down beside the female and grabbed the picture in her hands.

" What are you doing?" You ask.

" I know you miss them, but we have no choice. "


" What are we gonna do? " (M/n) (Mother's name) panicked, pacing back and fourth. " We have no contacts, we didn't send them gifts for Christmas, I only called them a few!"

" Honey, slow down. " Her husband, (F/n) (Father's name), calmed her down by hugging her and rubbing her back.

" I know they're still doing their job as models, but I need to see them! I want to see them." She cried at her husband's chest.

They can't help it, they knew at this point their children is already thinking about the family breaking apart. (M/n) always tried to call them at time to time, but the wasn't enough. She wanted to quit the job, she wanted to be with her children, with the whole family, but...she can't.

(F/n) always tried to travel to Paris with his wife after they send the twins there. Though, they always travel the world and it seems like there's a barrier preventing them to fly to Paris — and destiny has different plans whenever they would go there.

And they only have one choice: Sending them back to London.

« Time Skip »

" Just use it! " You shout while struggling to get out of the rope that is tied around you.

Bat throws a shards of glass at the enemy, making it wince in pain. He continued to do it until the enemy dogged his attack by returning back to him. He jumped backwards and landed on a roof. He glance around until his (E/c) orbs lands on a another pile of broken pieces of glass and proceeded to throw it at the villain.

" I didn't said anything about killing her! "

The male groans. " Ladybug! "

" Got it! " The mentioned girl swings from building to building using her yoyo and snatch the headband in the enemy's head. " Wait a minute... " She blinked as she realized she was about to fall.

" I got ya! " Bat calls, flying rapidly before catching her.

" Thanks, now put me down so I can break it. "

" Hello M'Lady. "

You lift your head up. " Chat! Where have you been!"

He smirked. " Miss me already? "

A small tint of pink painted your cheeks. " Just get me outta here. " You puff your cheek.

" Alright. Cataclysm! "

You stood up and dust yourself. " You know it was just a rope, right?"

✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader Where stories live. Discover now