Phrase Prompts #1: If You Die - Prompto

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This drabble is inspired by Uncharted.
Phrase is in bold writing~


Prompto and you slowly made your way past the exploding mummies that had been set up by Captain Avery hundreds of years ago. Prompto already had one close call with three of them back in the cave, narrowly managing to dodge out of the way at the last minute.

From there the two of you had to be extra careful, keeping a close eye and ear out for anymore that would explode simply by walking past them. Eventually, the two of you lost your patience and just ran for your lives. As a result, you were both now covered in cuts, bruises and dirt as your running, unsurprisingly, set off a whole heap of them.

You had successfully managed to escape the cave and the two of you were now standing in an open area... only there were mummies strapped to poles all around the vicinity.

"Better be careful..." Prompto whispered, not willing to run through this one.

"Good idea." You replied, walking behind him as he slowly made his way past a group of them.

Treading carefully, you saw a door at the end of the open area and figured that was where you were headed. You poked Prompto on the shoulder and gestured towards the door. With a nod of his head, he lead the way and you followed behind him.

As he reached the door, he pulled the key you had found back in the cave out of his pocket and pushed it into the lock. Before he turned it however, you grabbed his arm and stopped him. Though you were still upset with him for getting you into this mess in the first place, you didn't want anything to happen to him.

"What if it's a trap?" you asked.

Prompto looked back and forth between the door and you before he shrugged and then turned the key. "Then I'll apologise."

You took a step back as the door began to open, ready to fight anything that might jump out at you, but when you saw another open area you eased up a bit. Prompto turned to you with a bright smile on his face as the door finished opening, however the sound of something clicking caught your attention.

Before either of you could get away, you had been snatched up in a net and lifted off the ground. Prompto grabbed you in a protective manner as the net closed around the both of you and you somehow ended up in a position where it felt as though you were sitting in his lap.

Looking at Prompto, he offered you a shy smile and a shrug of his shoulders. "Hi..."

"Hi..." you laughed.

The two of you jumped however as a sudden explosion went off near the both of you. Directing your eyes towards the explosion, you saw that the mummies were beginning to explode, three at a time, and they were getting closer and closer to the two of you.

"You don't happen to have a knife, do you?!" Prompto asked urgently.

"No!" you shook your head and started looking around for anything that could help. Your eyes landed on a dead body caught in a net beside the two of you with a sword protruding out of their chest. "There!" you pointed towards the body.

"Swing!" Prompto said as he started to swing the net. Joining him, you began swaying your body in a motion to help build momentum, getting closer and closer to the sword every time. Prompto extended his right hand and reached for the sword, missing it on the first try.

"Prompto, hurry!" you said as the explosions got closer.

"Almost... there..." he gritted his teeth and reached for the sword again. He managed to grab onto the hilt and successfully pulled the sword from the deceased man. "Got it!" Prompto beamed as he began to cut just above the net in order to free you both.

World of Crazy - Drabbles, Oneshots and Random Ramblings.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ