Drabble 1: Heartbroken - Shizuo Heiwajima

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This drabble is dedicated to MistyAngle2 as they were kind enough to suggest a few individuals who I can write about, with Shizuo being one of them.

Thank you!


Drabble 1: Heartbroken – Shizuo Heiwajima

She couldn't understand how or why things ended so suddenly. In her eyes, things were going well.

Herself and Shizuo were taking things slow as they respected that neither of them had been in a relationship before and in all honesty they were clueless as to what they were supposed to do or how things were supposed to go.

They hadn't even slept together yet. The most they had ever done was kiss and cuddle behind closed doors and yet ~~~~~ thought that was enough for the both of them. She was waiting for Shizuo to feel comfortable enough before she tried to do anything else... but now she guessed that she had waited too long and he was gone, without a proper explanation.

~ A few minutes earlier ~

She was sitting on her couch, eating a small lunch as she was heading out to dinner with Shizuo later, but to her surprise he showed up on her doorstep and let himself in. He did have a key after all.

"Shizuo?" she questioned as she stood from the couch. "It's only lunch time you know? What are you doing here?"

After staying quiet for a moment, Shizuo placed his key on the kitchen bench. By his tense movements she could tell that he was angry and ready to snap at any moment.

"I'm ending things." He said quickly, making ~~~~~'s heart drop to her stomach and her heart leap out of her throat.

"What?" ~~~~~ questioned, a confused smile on her face as she shook her head, trying to comprehend what she had just heard. He had to be joking. Surely he must have been.

"It's done ~~~~~. We're finished." And with that, Shizuo turned on his heel and walked out the door.

With tears in her eyes she ran after him. "Shizuo wait!" she yelled, and luckily for her Shizuo finally did what she wanted in that moment. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked, her voice cracking as a tear escaped from her eye.

With things silent for a moment, she went to say his name again but Shizuo spoke up. "Don't contact me..." he began, leaving ~~~~~ feeling as though her heart was literally breaking in half. "I don't want to hear from you again." He finished before walking away, leaving ~~~~~ alone to cry on her doorstep before eventually heading back inside in order to try and take everything in.

~ Several weeks later ~

~~~~~ sat alone at a little table in a café she had never visited before. She decided that instead of going to the same old café she would branch out and try new things, meet new people, make new memories and forge new experiences.

Ever since Shizuo broke her heart she decided that trying new things and going to different places was a good distraction from thinking about him and the heartache he had caused her. She also had Celty to thank for that as she encouraged her to do so.

So here she was, sitting at a new and semi secluded café away from the bustling city and she felt peaceful as she took a small sip of her hot chocolate, smiling to herself as she realised that it tasted really good.

Distracted by her hot chocolate and with her back towards the entrance, it made it easy for Shizuo to sneak into the café and make his way towards her. She didn't know but over the past few weeks he had been keeping an eye on her, which was a bad idea because seeing ~~~~~ by herself most of the time but in a happy mood with her friends made him angry at himself for ever leaving her and hurting her in the way that he did.

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