~: A Very Merry Christmas :~ Secret Santa Gift for Samm-I-Amm

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Well, well, well what do we have here?


I'm your Santa for this year! Words couldn't express how excited I was when I was assigned your Secret Santa. I was looking forward to writing for whoever applied regardless, but to be assigned to a friend made it even better and of course... I had to go all out.

I'm sorry it's so long! I kind of got carried away. ;-;

I hope you enjoy what I wrote for you! 😊


The incessant alarm that was ringing from your bedside table was what startled you from your sleep this morning. With your eyes still closed, you pulled your arm out from under your covers and smacked your hand onto the top of your alarm clock to make the buzzing stop. Now that it was silent, you let out a relieved sigh and let your arm fall and hang off the side of the bed as you fell back into a peaceful sleep.

It was your doorbell ringing incessantly that woke you about 45 minutes later. You rolled over and let out a frustrated sigh as you picked up one of your pillows and pressed it against your face and held it down over your ears in the hope it would block out the obnoxious dinging of the doorbell. About 10 seconds later it stopped suddenly. While it was a relief it was also mildly concerning.

You already knew who it was that was ringing the doorbell. Which means you also knew that he wasn't one to give up so easily. Removing the pillow from your face, you sat up in bed and looked at the time. It was only 9AM. You grumbled to yourself as you swung the blankets off you and rubbed at your eyes in an attempt to wake yourself up more. You would never forgive him for making you wake up so early on Christmas Eve.

Reaching to your bedside table, you picked up your phone and saw several missed calls and messages. All of the messages scolding you for not being awake and ready in time. You began to reply to the messages when a sudden bang on your window caused you to jump and your phone to drop to the floor.

You quickly picked up your phone and threw it onto your bed before you made your way towards the window. Peaking outside, it wasn't hard to spot the familiar, spikey haired mischief maker standing in the snow, staring up at your window, sporting one of the ugliest Christmas sweaters you'd seen yet. You chuckled to yourself as you opened the window.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get uglier!" you called out to him.

Zack smiled and waved at you. "Well, well, well! Would you look who's awake!"

"I will never forgive you for making me wake up at this ungodly hour!" you said.

He laughed. "Trust me... once we get through the day it will be worth it! Now can you let me in? It's freezing out here!"

You smiled and told him to head back to the front door. Closing your window, you quickly pulled your ugly Christmas sweater out of your wardrobe and threw it on. Every year the two of you would have your own competition as to who could find and wear the ugliest sweater... unfortunately this year it looked as though you would have to admit defeat.

While your sweater was ugly, being a mix of white, green and red with several poorly drawn snowmen on it wearing multicoloured Santa hats, Zack's sweater stood out like a sore thumb. His was 100% green on the torso and looked as if he had added his own tinsel decorations running down the sleeves and multicoloured cotton balls all over the front of the sweater to make it look like Christmas lights.

Already trying to accept the torture Zack would put you through as a result of his victory this year, you made your way to the front door and opened it with open arms, waiting for him to embrace you with his usual bear hug. Within seconds he stepped inside, wrapped his arms around your waist, picked you up and began to spin you around as he wished you a good morning and 'Merry Early Christmas'.

World of Crazy - Drabbles, Oneshots and Random Ramblings.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora